Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tennessee Promise Expected to Increase Student Attendance

By Trenton Short
Motlow Buzz Reporter

            SMYRNA, Tenn. – Tennessee Promise is expected to raise the quality of higher education in the state of Tennessee, providing the opportunity for more students to attend college and not worry about the cost of tuition.

            Motlow State Community College professors and personnel expect student numbers to increase next fall because of the Tennessee Promise program. Many professors and students are excited for this increase next fall.

            “I feel that it will help enrollment for the fall with many more students filling the classrooms,” said Gary Winton, assistant director of student services for the Motlow campus in Smyrna, Tenn. “I think it is an exciting time for the state of Tennessee for students that aren’t able to get a higher education after high school.”

            Winton said he feels that the classes will continue to grow each year because of Tennessee Promise and an altering economy. Winton, along with others, can’t think of any negatives for Tennessee Promise. Many are planning to take advantage of the opportunity to receive a cost-free education at the community college level.

“I wasn’t planning on going to Motlow or any type of community college until I heard about it,” said Richard Mulligan, a local Smyrna High School senior. “I was really considering going to MTSU, Lipscomb or Union University.”

Mulligan feels that the only con is that there could be overflowing classes without enough professors to teach them.

            “Tennessee Promise is something I’m very excited to be a part of, and I know I’m not the only one that feels that way,” Mulligan said.

            Tennessee Promise is more of a scholarship program meant for mentoring to increase the number of students in Tennessee. A scholarship will cover tuition for students coming in next fall and the following years.

            Students must go to all of the mandatory meetings to stay eligible for Tennessee Promise. They must also complete eight hours of community service and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA in high school.

            To get more information for the Tennessee Promise, visit www.tennesseepromise.org.


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