Thursday, April 19, 2018

Be Beautiful the Natural Way

By Shanice Green
Motlow Buzz Contributing Writer

SMYRNA--Do you suffer from sudden breakouts, load of acne, or annoying black spots from applying makeup? It is highly important to take care of your face if you use makeup daily and even more important to make sure you are using the right products that are perfect for your skin.
Continuing to use toxic ingredients from makeup on your face will eventually harm you and will cause health problems. Using all-natural based makeup products will not only keep your face healthy and beautiful, but it will allow your face to stay young and glow.
Cheap makeup brands are affordable, but some of the drug store brands will break your sensitive skin out.

“It’s important to read the label and look for products that work best for your skin type,” according to a recent story in the publication Medical Daily. Dr. Lindsey Bordone, a dermatologist, also mentioned that even if a popular “natural” makeup has aloe or other natural ingredients, that doesn’t mean it is best for you. The skin on your face is valuable and deserves products that will keep your face hydrated and healthy.
For example, brands like Tarte Cosmetics are made of all-natural products that are extremely healthy for your face. These ingredients include acai berries, which come from a species of palm trees in Europe.
Another antioxidant brand is Physicians Formula that was especially made for women with sensitive skin. Physician’s Formula uses non-toxic ingredients and is hypoallergenic.
Popular makeup brands tend to lead you on like they are all-natural or that they are good for your skin, but sometimes that is not the case.
            For instance, the Vitamin C in fruits is good for your skin, and this is why makeup brands usually take this for an advantage. Fruits like blueberries, kiwi, pineapple, papaya and strawberries are parts of Vitamin C that help with blemishes and allow your face to feel and look radiant. Brands that use Vitamin C in their products are more likely using it to appeal to you.
Vitamin C
            Everyone will eventually age, but using all-natural makeup products will prolong the wrinkles.
“Wrinkles and age spots are the inevitable result of time, but skin aging may be sped up by overexposure to the sun and tanning beds…treat your skin kindly an optimize your nutrition by eating antioxidant-rich fruit,” said BBC’s Good Food magazine.  
Women should monitor what they eat, how they sleep, or what they do that could harm your skin. Taking care of yourself, including your face, is very important to maintain a healthy, everyday life.
            In fact, using organic and non-toxic makeup products are best to use for women with health problems and sensitive skin. These all-natural makeup products soothe and heal your skin for the better. Putting harmful and toxic chemicals on your face will put you at health risk and make your face lose its natural beauty.
            As the result, acne is the biggest threat to using makeup. Makeup acne has its own special name called acne cosmetica. Acne cosmetic is tiny, red bumps that appear on your face that block your pores.
“Acne cosmetica occurs when oils from your makeup collect in and clog your pores, so thick liquid or cream products are more often culprits than are lighter products like powders,” according to an article in the Health section of How Stuff Works.
Be careful when you apply makeup on, and remember not to use too much and create a cake-like look. This blocks your pores and creates negative reactions.         
            In my own experience, applying makeup was an everyday thing that I loved to do. The issue I had with my face was my sensitive, oily skin. I needed makeup products that would keep my face from sweating the makeup off and also keep it from breaking out. I even had to spend extra dollars on better makeup brands to keep my face healthy.
All-natural make up and skincare
Regrettably, I was spending hundreds of dollars on makeup to make my face look good. To prevent me from spending more money than I was getting in, I had to talk with a makeup specialist at Ulta Beauty. She surprisingly told me that I did not have to spend as much as I was to keep my face healthy. The specialist said for me to try drug store brands with antioxidant ingredients and she was right. As soon as I started buying antioxidant makeup, my face was clear, hydrated and healthy.
            Listen ladies, if you cannot afford expensive makeup, then do not buy it! You do not need it to make your face look good and clear. Speaking from someone who knows where you’re coming from, you just need all-natural makeup made from all-natural ingredients. Use the safe route when it comes to your face, because your face has the most precious skin.
The skin on your face is the hardest part of your body to keep clear. This is why it is highly important to watch what you apply to your face. Even try sustaining from applying fragrance-free products to your face, because they can cause negative skin reactions. Your face may not look like its suffering now, but underneath your pores, it causes a problematic long-term effect.
            It is at most importance to apply all-natural makeup products to your skin to hold on to your youth, beauty and health. Wearing makeup daily is normal and perfectly fine. As long as you maintain a healthy routine by cleaning your face and using suitable products for your skin, your face will thank you. You do not have to wear makeup to be beautiful, but if you are a makeup lover, using the healthiest makeup products will benefit the future you.
For more detailed information on healthy makeup brands check out, visit

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