Thursday, December 23, 2021

SEAM Club Stages 2021 Motlow Holiday Traditions Show

By Megan Goble
Motlow Buzz Student Editor

    SMYRNA, Tenn. – Members of the Smyrna Entertainment, Arts and Media Club gathered in Room 320 of the Hiatt-Spivey Center in Smyrna on Nov. 19 to record segments of the upcoming third annual Motlow Holiday Traditions Show. 

    The SEAM Club released the video in December before Christmas Day on Motlow Buzz Radio at YouTube. To watch the video, click on this link: 

    It includes performances and/or presentations by Club President and Emcee Megan Goble, Vice President Tatiana Diallo, Secretary/Treasurer Mary Hill, Graphics Director Neo McLeod, Video Editor Adrian Jimenez, student Alexandria Williams, Librarian Paige Hendrickson, Professor Robert Fitzgerald, and Professors/SEAM Club Advisers Charles Whiting and Robert Davenport

    Motlow Speech Professor Robert Davenport explained what the show means to him. “It’s a fun time for students and faculty to share their joy of the season… to not only perform, read poetry, maybe tell stories, “Davenport said. “It’s a unique time where students and teachers can participate together.” 

    Performances will feature readings, guitar, singing, and showings of visual art. The show will include pre-recorded videos and a special holiday greeting from club members.


SEAM Club members cut up at Rehearsal (Photo by Charles Whiting)

    The club has been meeting since the end of September, planning the show by figuring out performances, writing the script, scheduling the recording of the videos, and editing them together to make the final product before the holidays arrive. 

    The show allows club members, students, administrators, and staff to be part of something together and express their meanings of the holidays. 

    SEAM Club Graphics Director and Mass Communications major Neo McLeod said why they are excited to be a part of the show. “I honestly think just being a part of something for the holidays is nice,” McLeod said. “My family is not too big on gathering together, so this is fun and new for me.”

    Students and staff alike have spoken on the “Motlow Holiday Traditions Show” being a reason for them to spread their joy together, especially during a time where people may not be able to celebrate with family members and friends. 

    SEAM Club Secretary/Treasurer and Art major Mary Hill speaks on why gathering together was important to her. “Ever since this pandemic started, it was so hard finding a way to be together with others,” Hill said. “This, for me, was the best opportunity I've had in a long time to reconnect with the SEAM Club and feel that sense of togetherness and unity again.” 

    As the end of the year approaches, many students feel it is important to be part of the show and to continue spreading positivity and joy during a stressful time of the year.

    Students, as well as teachers, are rushing against deadlines. This show is an opportunity for students and staff to slow down and be reminded of the holiday season. 

    “It’s a stressful time of the year with papers and all of that, and frankly there are some students really struggling with different things,” Davenport added. “Not just academics, but personal life and so on, and I think it’s a great way for us to spread some cheer and positive encouragement, reinforcement, to get ready for the new year.” 

    Many individuals involved with Motlow State Community College have been through very rough times due to the pandemic, and it has had lasting effects. It is always important to remain kind, especially during the holidays when someone may be struggling.

    The show provides a positive outlet for the Motlow community to express their art in a shared, safe and diverse environment.

    Former SEAM Club members created the first two shows in 2019 and 2020, and current members wanted to acknowledge the hard work and keep it going. The show will be presented virtually for the second year.

    The “Motlow Holiday Traditions Show” is a perfect example of resilience during these challenging times. It proves that students and staff are still willing to contribute positivity to their community even when it is not easy. 

    “I think the students have done a really good job,” Hill added. “Considering multitasking with club duties along with school and work, it was a little difficult on all of us, but we've managed well.” 

    Although these times have been challenging, things are going back to a new normal. SEAM Club members were able to meet on the Motlow Smyrna Campus for some of their recordings. 

    While they are able to meet on campus, most of the show has been planned and accomplished through many online meetings. Current SEAM members hope to lead by example along with past members. 

    Just because so many students were physically separated for a while does not mean they have to be alone. Motlow students and staff have done a great job on keeping clubs, meeting, and togetherness around. 

    “It’s been such a long time since I’ve been in a physical classroom with other students and just got to talk and be a person,” McLeod added. “It was a great experience to have after such a long gap of time.” 

    The SEAM Club, staff and other participating members hope that everyone will take the time to watch the video once it has been released. 

    Further announcements on the release of the holiday show video will be provided by Communications Professor and SEAM Club Adviser Charles Whiting on The Motlow Buzz. The SEAM Club wishes everyone a safe and Happy Holidays! 

    SEAM Club members hope to welcome more students during the Spring semester to participate in future shows, as well as the fourth annual Talent Show. 

    For more information about the Smyrna Entertainment, Arts and Media Club, write 
