E-News Archive

The Motlow Buzz e-news is distributed by email every two weeks with highlights about happenings on the Smyrna campus. We will also include news about developments affecting all four campuses of Motlow State Community College. Your contributions are welcome!

Our first issue: Aug. 28, 2017: http://us16.campaign-archive1.com/?u=7252285500d26d6424a7a4bf1&id=fc890b3d64

Our second issue: Sept. 11, 2017: http://mailchi.mp/c83121efb6a4/the-motlow-buzz

Our third issue: Sept. 25, 2017: http://mailchi.mp/fae8155361af/the-motlow-buzz

Our fourth issue: Oct. 9, 2017: http://mailchi.mp/f62408d3b0b0/the-motlow-buzz  

Our fifth issue: Oct. 23, 2017: http://mailchi.mp/d062cefdd36b/the-motlow-buzz  

Our sixth issue: Nov. 6, 2017: http://mailchi.mp/a26acbd2fe5f/the-motlow-buzz  

Our seventh issue (Thanksgiving): Nov. 20, 2017:

Our eighth issue (Holidays): Dec. 4, 2017:

Our ninth issue: Jan. 24, 2018:  


Our 10th issue: Feb. 5, 2018: https://mailchi.mp/bd1641338246/motlow-buzz-feb-5-2018

Our 11th issue: Feb. 19, 2018: https://mailchi.mp/f01cfe244fbc/the-motlow-buzz-feb-19-2018  

Our 12th issue: March 12, 2018: http://mailchi.mp/2746c146d0d2/the-motlow-buzz-march-12-2018 

Our special "Groundbreaking" issue for March 23, 2018: https://mailchi.mp/567829896ddc/special-issue-building-three-groundbreaking 

Our 13th regular issue: April 9, 2018:  https://mailchi.mp/162f6928d82b/the-motlow-buzz-april-9-2018 

Our 14th regular issue: May 1, 2018: https://mailchi.mp/095acecce58b/the-motlow-buzz-may-1-2018 

Our summer issue for 2018: https://mailchi.mp/e34c9b9940b6/the-motlow-buzz-summer-issue-2018-2

Our 15th regular issue for Sept. 4, 2018: https://mailchi.mp/695d1d464f75/the-motlow-buzz-sept-4-427241

Our 16th regular issue for Sept. 24, 2018: https://mailchi.mp/1616857daa17/the-motlow-buzz-sept-24-2018 

Special Issue - International Fest 2018: https://mailchi.mp/224d98fcda86/the-motlow-buzz-international-fest-2018 

Our 17th regular issue for Oct. 17, 2018: https://mailchi.mp/d99249315711/the-motlow-buzz-oct-17-2018  

Our 18th regular issue for Nov. 9, 2018: https://mailchi.mp/c564a74a3549/the-motlow-buzz-nov-9-2018 

Our 19th regular issue for Feb. 5, 2019: https://mailchi.mp/f13811308c6a/the-motlow-buzz-feb-5-2019

Our 20th regular issue (spotlight success) for Feb. 28, 2019: https://mailchi.mp/6c40a63021fb/the-motlow-buzz-feb-28-2019

Special Event: "Dance Across The Decades": https://mailchi.mp/4378f8bcb7a0/event-dance-across-the-decades-march-22 

Our 21st regular issue for March 20, 2019: https://mailchi.mp/3b6a90326b56/the-motlow-buzz-march-20-2019 

Our 22nd regular issue for April 8, 2019: https://mailchi.mp/6fbe8830162e/the-motlow-buzz-april-8-2019-550521 

Our 23rd regular issue for May 14, 2019: https://mailchi.mp/f2c5ce325357/the-motlow-buzz-may-14-570157

Our 24th regular issue for Oct. 7, 2019:

Our 25th regular issue for Nov. 12, 2019:


Our 26th regular issue for Feb. 24, 2020:
Special Online Event: Famous Communicator Speakers Series - Author Odie Lindsey - Oct. 1: https://mailchi.mp/ca9d950252f9/famous-communicator-speakers-series-odie-lindsey 
Our 27th regular issue for Oct. 8, 2020: 

Special Online Event: Famous Communicator Speakers Series - Recording Industry Professional Bryan Cumming - Oct. 20, 2020: https://mailchi.mp/013ad930603b/buzz-alert-recording-industry-talk-oct-20-2020 

Our 28th regular issue for Jan. 31, 2024: https://mailchi.mp/153f31d18c84/motlowbuzzwelcomebackspring2024 

Our 29th regular issue for Feb. 26, 2024: https://mailchi.mp/75a20dc5bf74/motlowbuzzisssue29feb262024 

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