Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Coach Makes Choice Unlike His Character

By Jordan Johnson
Motlow Buzz Reporter

            SMYRNA Tenn--Two Rutherford county high school teams were banned from postseason play this season but players and fans say that doesn’t show the kind of person Smyrna Coach Shawn Middleton is.

            Smyrna High School is known for a long tradition of athletic excellence, whether it’s the two State Football titles, the softball state title, or the many girls basketball appearances in sub- state and state tournaments. With that tradition comes great pride from all who have been a part of any sports team there. If there is one man who truly understands that, it is Shawn Middleton, a coach at Smyrna for 19 years.

 Middleton has coached football, baseball, softball and girls basketball. He was an assistant football coach. They won two state championships. While he helped coach baseball, they made an appearance in the state tournament behind the golden arm of current major league rising star Sonny Gray. The Coach had a special bond with Gray who lost his father at a young age. Middleton was a father figure to him, often times inviting him and his family over for dinner.

 “I’ll always cherish that relationship with Sonny not because of the player he is, but because of the man he has become even from a tough situation he came up from,” said Middleton when I asked him about Gray. “All those hours of hard work and practice aren’t what I remember. What I remember are the times when I saw him take my advice and mature as a man. He’s made me proud.”

 Middleton never treated him any different than the other players though. He treated them all alike because he thought of them all like his own sons.

            While coaching football at Smyrna he continued his mentorship with Grey, but also sparked another with a tall athletic wide receiver with a not, so, simple home life. His name was Rodriquez Wilkes, a fantastic football player with a demanding work ethic, but not the best attitude. Wilkes grew up playing football and basketball. He excelled in both, with high dreams of becoming the next big thing.

Wilkes had a loving family but sometimes struggled to get to places he needed to be to succeed. Middleton saw that and took him under his wing. If he struggled in class, he was there for help. He maintained a good enough GPA, and performed well enough to receive a full scholarship to the University of Tennessee to play football. Gray and Wilkes senior season, they won their second straight state title, and they carried their mentor off the field like a champion.

Coach Shawn Middleton
            The coach had been coaching girls basketball, and helping coach softball for Smyrna. Many girls have come through those hallways with different problems. Recently, he has come under fire from ESPN and other members of the news media.

 “Coach Mid isn’t someone you have for a coach for four years and then you are done,” said former Smyrna Softball state champion Taylor Randolph, when asked about Middleton. “He is a lifelong mentor and more importantly the best friend you could have.”

 “I couldn’t think of a better person to have as my coach, ,” says former girls basketball player Bre Patterson. “He helped me through a lot. I will always be grateful to have Coach Mid in my life.”

            When asked to do an interview, the coach immediately accepted. When asked why he wanted to coach in the first place he responded,” The kids… it wasn’t for me to get glory for winning. I love to win. You know that, but I could care less as long as those kids are maturing to become wonderful young adults.” I wanted to really change lives for the better, for the kids to go home to their parents and be respectful, and tell them how much fun it was to play for me.”

When asked what really occurred during the incident that has put him under so much fire, he responded with,” Smyrna High never came into that game with the intentions not to win the game. Matter of fact, I probably have three seniors who played the best start to a game of their careers. After the first quarter it was obvious what Riverdale wanted to do. My girls knew they were getting mocked. I took them out in the second quarter, and it got ugly. I put them back in the third quarter, and we blew them out.” When asked how he felt about public reaction to the incident, the coach said he was surprised to see the national attention.

”The saddest part was watching the same part of the game over and over on TV. “If everyone watched the whole game it would change the public’s opinion.”

Players and fans say that negative situation got national coverage, but all good he has done hasn’t even gotten noticed county coverage, or recognition.

“Nobody has heard of the kids I have helped. Nobody has heard the Sonny Gray story because that’s too positive. The media only looks for negatives,” he said later.

            The TSAA suspended Shawn Middleton from coaching the entire 2015 season. Smyrna High School hired a new head girls basketball a couple of weeks ago. The suspension for a whole calendar year means he can’t help coach softball this season either.

            “Coach Mid is one of the greatest men I’ve ever been associated with,” said Smyrna High Assistant Basketball Coach and P.E. Teacher Chad Caldwell.” He’s taught me a lot about sports and more about life. He truly cares for everyone he knows and tries his best to make everyone succeed. I am blessed to know him and call him a friend.”

 “Coach Mid is the most dedicated, caring people I know, “said former Smyrna softball state champion and current MTSU softball freshmen Makenzie Prince. “Hands down one of the greatest coaches on the planet. He would go to the end of the world to make sure everyone is happy and satisfied.”


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