Friday, August 25, 2017

Beware Motlow Drivers: You Could Be Ticketed

                SMYRNA, Tenn. – Motlow Smryna will be busier than ever this fall, with hundreds of additional students (and many more vehicles to park). That’s why it’s so important to follow the college’s parking and safety rules. Otherwise, you might have a fine to pay.

                According to Motlow Director of Public Safety Ray Higginbotham, the college has developed a policy to help facilitate the orderly and efficient flow of traffic on all campuses, to provide a safe atmosphere for both pedestrians and motor vehicle operators, and to provide order with regard to parking within limited space. 

“It is critical that everyone review this policy in order to understand their responsibilities and ensure they are adhering to the policy,” Higginbotham said.

As enrollment numbers continue to increase, parking spaces will become more limited and motor vehicle traffic on each campus will continue to increase.  He encourages students, faculty, administrators and staff to get their vehicles registered and to correctly place assigned decals on their lower back windshields as soon as possible. The decals, which never expire, are free to students and $10 for faculty. To register and receive a decal, visit the front office in the Smyrna Classroom Building.

Motlow Smyrna adds a temporary parking lot for the fall semester.

The Motlow State Public Safety Department is responsible for enforcement of the Parking and Traffic policy.  Officers of the Motlow State Public Safety Department will be monitoring parking and traffic on campuses to ensure all vehicles are properly decaled and parked in the right place.  Motlow State Community College requires the registration of vehicles and/or the issuance of permits on campus for effective enforcement of campus traffic and/or parking regulations.  Everyone should pay close attention to assigned parking spaces, such as spaces marked for “Handicap” parking, “Faculty/Staff” parking, “Student” parking, and “Visitor” parking.  Students, faculty, staff and visitors must park only in the appropriately designated areas.  Students, faculty or staff, should never park in “Visitor” parking.

“Do not park on any grassy areas unless signs indicate it is allowed,” he added. “Violators of our Parking and Traffic policy will be ticketed.”

Higginbotham noted that the old hang tag-style parking permits, which were hung on rearview mirrors, are no longer allowed and must be replaced immediately with a current parking permit decal.  If one has a hang-style parking permit, it must be removed immediately and discarded. Citations will be issued for vehicles that do not have the Motlow parking permit decal in the correct location. 

The entire Parking and Traffic policy can be viewed at

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