Tuesday, January 23, 2018

SGA Welcomes Students Back to Smyrna Campus

On behalf of myself and my fellow members of the Student Government Association here at the Smyrna campus, may I take this personal opportunity to welcome each and every one of you to Motlow “Spring 2018” and to wish you great success and achievement in your upcoming academic endeavors.

It is a brand new year... and a brand new semester, and this is the time for all of us to begin with a "clean slate" and dedicate ourselves to excellence and achievement in all of our classes. Tuesday, when classes began, was the first day of the rest of your lives.

Your Student Government is committed to representing all of the students at Motlow State. Whether you are an adult learner who has returned to college after several years of being out in the world, or a graduate from straight out of high school ready to make your mark, we will be supporting all of you.

Enjoy this upcoming week and the "goodies" that your Student Government will have out for you to give you a TASTE for your classes. Look out for the announcements of other activities and programs that we will have slated for you throughout Spring 2018.

Enjoy your college career, enjoy your classes, and enjoy the men and women that you will be associated with in the months ahead. It can and will be a great experience.

Best of wishes!
Mollie McDonald
Student Government Vice-President

Smyrna Campus

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