Monday, July 16, 2018

Op Ed: Dr. George Smith Led By Example

By Tennessee Rep. Mike Sparks
Motlow Buzz Contributing Writer

(Editor's note: Rep. Mike Sparks studied Communication on Motlow's Smyrna campus. He currently serves in the Tennessee State Legislature and hosts his own show, "Rutherford Issues," on radio station WGNS-AM/FM.)
         Legendary author/philosopher Edmund Burke once said, "Those who don't know history are destined to Repeat it."

         Rutherford County community leader Dr. George Smith, who died in March, knew his history, and he certainly didn't want others to repeat it. Dr. Smith had a love for Tennessee history and telling those old stories, but most importantly, he had a love for his fellow man. He was one of the kindest gentlemen I have ever met, with a "Christ-like Coolness" about him.

         Ironically, right after my efforts last year in the Tennessee General Assembly to recognize "Tennessee's Rich History" with a special resolution, I was invited by Historical Society President Frank Caperton to attend the African-American Heritage Society of Rutherford County event. The resolution created a stir of controversy. The media tried to paint me as a prejudiced Republican lawmaker. (The media never mentioned the fact that I was the only Republican in our state's history to stand alongside the black caucus after six Hobgood School children, ages 6 to 10, were handcuffed and arrested). The resolution mentioned the life of our state's first black lawmaker, Sampson Keeble, who lived in the Old Jefferson community just outside of Smyrna. It also mentioned the life of General Nathan Bedford Forrest.

         Being born and raised in Smyrna, I was never taught the story of Sampson Keeble. Nor had I heard about Forrest giving a remarkable speech near the end of his life when he was invited in 1875 to address a meeting of the Independent Order of Pole Bearers, an early black Civil Rights organization in Memphis. I then read where Forrest had more than 3,000 African-Americans attend his funeral. Needless to say, I was extremely intrigued by both men's stories and wanted others to know as well. My thoughts were that maybe our society would be better off if our community, both black and white, knew both of those men's stories.

         When Frank Caperton invited me to join the event, I was already scheduled to attend Middle Tennessee State University's graduation ceremony. Randy Boyd, who is running for governor, was the commencement address speaker that same Saturday. Oddly enough, I chose to attend the black history event. Needless to say, it was an odd feeling knowing that the media was giving me a hard time for simply trying to bring awareness to important elements of our state's history that are never spoken about. I arrived at Ebenezer Primitive Baptist Church, a beautiful historic church that reminded me of the small quaint church on "The Little House on the Prairie."

         The event started with a walk to the newly completed fieldstone sign. Other than Rutherford County Mayor Ernest Burgess and Frank Caperton, I was one of only a few white folks at the event. As we were walking, we sang a few hymns, ending with one of my favorite hymns, "Amazing Grace." After we sang the old hymn, Dr. Smith spoke a few words, then looked over at me with his kind smile and asked, "Rep. Mike Sparks, will you say a few words." I was pleasantly surprised, thinking that he may be upset with me believing the false narrative that the media had portrayed about my efforts. I mentioned to the crowd that history was very important to us all and that the old hymn we had just sung was written by John Newton, a former slave ship captain who influenced a British lawmaker named William Wilberforce to end slavery. I had shared that Newton had a redemptive story, and how God used him to help abolish slavery in Great Britain.

         Later that day, the society's president, Mary Watkins, said, "Thank you Rep. Sparks for bringing awareness to the life of Sampson Keeble. Maybe if young people today knew their history, we wouldn't have the problems we have today."

         Our county sadly has lost a great man with the death of Dr. George Smith. My hope is that many young people will see the life and character of Dr. Smith and his efforts to preserve history as a template for our own lives. Our community may have lost a great compassionate leader, but Heaven gained another angel.

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