Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Words From Paige's Pages: Caveat, Chortle and Eclectic

     SMYRNA -- Have you ever scratched your head trying to figure out what certain words mean and how to use them? Motlow Smyrna Librarian ("Ms. Wordsmith") Paige Hendrickson has started a new column called "Words from Paige's Pages" that provides tips on how to use her favorite words. For this issue, she has selected the words caveat, chortle and eclectic. 

/ˈkavēˌat/ or /ˈkävēˌät/
noun: A warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.
warning, caution, admonition

Example: The panicked college student was temporarily relieved when he found out that the library had the textbook he needed for class; although, he soon discovered, as the librarian pointed out, there was a caveat when checking out this reserve book -- It must stay in the library!!

verb: To laugh in a breathy, gleeful way; chuckle.
noun: A breathy, gleeful laugh.
chuckle, laugh, giggle, titter, tee-hee, snigger

Example: The librarian sternly, but politely, shushed the girl whose chortles were disturbing the other students in the packed library.

adjective: Deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.
wide-ranging, broad-based, extensive, comprehensive, encyclopedic; More
varied, diverse, catholic, all-embracing, multifaceted, multifarious, heterogeneous, miscellaneous, assorted
noun: A person who derives ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.

Example: When asked what her favorite style of music and favorite artists were, Paige replied that her musical tastes were extremely eclectic, from classic rock (Journey) and heavy metal (Disturbed) to folk (Simon & Garfunkel) to techno (Lords of Acid) and, quite literally, everything in between.

     (Stay tuned for more words from "Ms. Wordsmith.")

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