Friday, May 10, 2019

Words from Paige's Pages: 'Superfluous,' 'Ubiquitous' and 'Visceral'

By Paige Hendrickson
Motlow Buzz Contributing Writer

        "Word Lady" (Motlow Smyrna Librarian Paige Hendrickson) is at it again! This time, she has selected the words “superfluous,” “ubiquitous” and “visceral” to help grow our Motlow vocabulary.

adjective: Unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.

surplus, redundant, unneeded, not required, excess, extra, spare, to spare, remaining, unused, left over; useless, unproductive, undue, in excess, surplus to requirements; expendable, disposable, dispensable, unwanted, waste

Example: As the students began creating their “cheat sheets” for their final exams, they soon realized that the first half of the semester’s material was superfluous since the exam was not comprehensive and did not cover everything.

adjective: Present, appearing, or found everywhere.

omnipresent, ever-present, present everywhere, everywhere, all-over, pervasive, universal, worldwide, global; rife, prevalent, predominant, very common, popular, extensive, wide-ranging, far-reaching, inescapable

Example: Many college students have already discovered that technology is ubiquitous but not always easily accessible.

adjectiveRelating to or affecting the viscera (or organs).

Synonyms: splanchnic

Relating to deep inward (crude) feelings or elemental emotions rather than to the intellect; felt in or as if in the internal organs of the body.

Not intellectual; instinctive; unreasoning

Synonyms: intuitive; unlogical; illogical; non-rational

Example: A good life lesson is not to always act on your first, visceral response to a situation, but rather to choose thinking first.

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