Friday, February 21, 2020

Business & Technology Students Learn from the Pros While Earning Certifications

            SMYRNA – Motlow Smyrna Business & Technology students recently were awarded certifications for completing the INFS 1010 Computer Application course.

            According to Business & Technology Instructor Christine Summers, the students are now equipped to pursue certifications as Microsoft Office specialists. MOS courses are now offered on all four Motlow campuses.

            Receiving certifications for the completion of INFS 1010 were (below, from left) Akiaya Alexander, Charlie Jones, Daniel Fiorella, Eva Bailey, Eve Parrish, Eveline Arevalo-Najera, Isaac Fell, Jennifer Delgado, Jesus Porras Balcazar, Joshua Archer, Justin Church, Kameron Goodrich, Kirollos Ramzy, Melina McCullough, Nicholas Chantharack, Novy Vongsavankham, Patrick Hamley, Ronnie Islam, Tamara Diallo, and Tyler Sisavatdy.

            Other students receiving their certifications (below, from left) were Aaron Brown, Aerwin Kiyedi, Darrylin Williams, David Perez, Jamiyah Richardson, Jesse Dean, Kayla Pendergrast, Kevin Rains, Marian Mando, Micheala Leaver, Piper Smith, Sean Maddux, Smith Bennington, Stephanie Saucedo, and William Conrad.

            Business & Technology students had the opportunity to learn from six top business professionals during Motlow Smyrna’s “Small Business Management Speakers Series.” Giving talks were Deron Rogers of Fresh Seats, Renee Ralston of Cruizerlite Technologies, Karla Miller of America’s Small Business Development Center Tennessee at the Rutherford Chamber of Commerce, Accountant and Motlow Instructor Angela Cox, Karen Lampert of the Domestic Violence Shelter and Sexual Assault Services, and Cristin Wittwer of Waffle House Inc.

            “A huge thank you goes out to our fall speakers who generously gave their time and energy to teach us about their small businesses, how they operate, market, and navigate the legal landscape both locally and globally,” Summers said.

            Rogers’ business, Fresh Seats, sells seat covers that are designed to keep smells and stains off of car seats. He spoke on the topic of entrepreneurship from ideation to design, including global textile and talent sourcing. He emphasized the importance of selling one’s developed product in the marketplace before submitting it for a patent with the U.S. Patents and Trademarks Office. 

Deron Rogers

            Ralston’s company, Cruizerlite Technologies, designs phone covers that add personality and protection for smart phones. She spoke on the topic of small business management, emphasizing the importance of updating one’s business model to build product longevity.

Renee Ralston

            Miller provided insight on how to start a small to medium-size business enterprise. Free services include ideation, financial education, marketing, and legal functions. She is helping a Rutherford County craft beer brewing business go global.

            Professor Cox gave students an overview of accounting and finance and how they work in small business environments.

Angela Cox

            Lampert provided details about managing a non-profit organization. The Domestic Violence Shelter in Murfreesboro looks for grant opportunities and stages fundraising campaigns to support a fast-growing office offering essential community services. 

Karen Lampert

            Wittwer serves as the recruiting director for the Waffle House restaurant chain. Her presentation included an overview of the company’s history, mission and values. All three are evident in the daily practices of its employees.

Cristin Wittwer

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