Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Got the Grammar Blues? Writing Center to the Rescue!

             Do you remember the classic hit, “I Got the Grammar Blues?” It sounded great up until Comma Jack hit that sour note on his trombone. 

            If your writing is a bit hit-or-miss these days, don’t despair. The Writing Center’s team of coaches is standing by to help.


            In fact, the Writing Center will continue to operate entirely online through the Fall 2020 semester. 


            “We miss seeing you on campus, but we've worked hard all summer to make sure we are ready to provide excellent support from a distance,” said Jenna Caviezel, the center’s director and an associate professor of English. 


            Tutors are available for two types of appointments:

            *Live Online appointments allow students to have real-time video conferences or text chats with a tutor. This is ideal for those who miss the face-to-face, on-campus tutoring experience!

            eTutoring appointments allow students to upload their writing assignments and receive written tutor feedback. There is no need to be logged in at the same time as the tutor, which can be ideal for students with very busy schedules or internet accessibility issues.

            Students and faculty can also take advantage of the information and handout bank available on the Writing Center’s Lib Guide:

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What is the Writing Center? The Writing Center is a free service available to the entire Motlow community. We support a dedicated team of tutors who are attentive and knowledgeable so they can provide exceptional guidance with any project at any stage of the writing process including brainstorming for an English essay, revising a lab report, or polishing a cover letter for a job application.



            Here's what some students who’ve used the Writing Center had to say last year (on the center’s anonymous survey form):

            “The Writing Center has been my biggest support system during this Fall semester,” raved one student.

            “The Writing Center has been a lifesaver for me,” exclaimed another.

            “I would recommend EVERYONE use this resource,” praised a third.


            So, if you have the grammar blues (or any kind of writing woes), you know who to call. Rest assured that talented Writing Center coaches are ready, willing or able (or able, willing and ready).


            Happy editing!

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