Monday, February 6, 2023

Motlow Buzz Launches Print Edition

  SMYRNA — The Motlow Buzz educational student newspaper is launching a one-page print edition that provides an overview of services and special activities for students on the Motlow Smyrna campus. 

The print version will be overseen by newly appointed Student Editor-in-Chief Kia Dowen. Students can pick up their complimentary copy in the Smyrna Library. Contributors will include students Joani Edens and Megan Goble. 

        Communication majors use The Buzz to gain invaluable experience for future jobs in books, newspapers, magazines, recording industry, radio, television, movies, and the internet. Students benefit by receiving helpful news about important happenings on the Motlow Smyrna campus.

        The publication is listed as a High Impact Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning.

The e-news and blog versions of The Motlow Buzz will continue to provide in-depth stories and photos by students and faculty members. The publication, which was named by students, was created in a Media Writing class in 2014.

To learn more, visit 

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