Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Motlow Writers and Artists to Take Literary Stage for ‘Mosaic 2023-2024 Read-In’

  SMYRNA — Moltow writers and artists will take the literary stage in the HSC Big Room from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. April 11 (Thursday) for the “Mosaic 2023-2024 Read-in.”

Students and others will present their published works from the fall 2023 and spring 2024 issues of Mosaic: A Literary Journal. Admission is free to members of the Motlow State Community College community. Refreshments will be provided.


Mosaic’s mission is "to amplify distinct voices in the Motlow community while connecting readers and writers through various multimedia that highlight universal experiences in unique methods of storytelling.” 

The spring 2024 issue of Mosaic features original works by eight poets, six visual artists, three non-fiction writers, and two fiction writers. 

For more information about the event or to request a copy of the spring issue, contact Associate Professor of English Andrea Green at


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