Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Motlow Alumnus Aspires to Become Award-Winning Bodybuilder

                                                                         By Kait Riggle

                        Motlow Buzz Reporter

MURFREESBORO, Tenn.--  A former Motlow State Community College student is on a journey to compete in her first National Physique Committee competition.

Alayna Brent, 22, has begun her competition preparation for her NPC debute in the Women’s Bikini Short category this year. The National Physique Committee sanctions local to national level competitions for amateur bodybuilding. The NPC is the largest bodybuilding organization in the United States. The bikini category requires extremely low body fat accompanied by lean muscle.

Residing in Murfreesboro, Brent regularly trains in popular gyms such as Olympus and Gold’s gyms. This active pre-dental student has maintained a healthy lifestyle and aspires to soon be show-ready.

          “It’s a challenging process and definitely would put me out of my comfort zone,” said Brent. “It would be an accomplishment.”

Brent is working to achieve this goal with challenging workouts and a consistent, strict diet. She lifts heavy weights with short reps to sculpt muscle, then follows up with light cardio to ensure her metabolism stays high. She trains six days a week, allowing herself a rest day in addition to following a well-formulated diet.

“ I’m eating very clean at this point, no processed food or anything  unnatural,” Brent added.

Brent works in the promotions department at the growing nutrition and supplement store Nutrishop in Murfreesboro. She travels to different gyms across the county and gives gym-goers advice on how to get the most potential out of their bodies through proper diet and supplements.

Brent [right] at a promotional event at Olympus Gym

“It’s motivating being around people who have the same goals in mind,” said Brent.  “The majority of people that come in are so positive and always want to be supportive. It’s really reassuring to have people on your team.”

Brent has yet to decide on a show date. However, with Tennessee’s long list of competitions for 2014, she has ample time to decide. She is providing herself with the time to effectively change her body without drastic measures and unhealthy methods.

“I want to give my body the proper training and time to taper down,” she continued. “I’m looking at possibly the ‘Knox Classic’ in August or the ‘Music City Muscle’ in early October.”

Brent can be found June 28 at Embassy Suites Hotel in Murfreesboro for the “Flex Lewis Classic”, working promotions and awarding athletes trophies during the event. For more information regarding “The Flex Lewis Classic”, visit www.flexlewisclassic.com.



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