Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The 'Full Moon Tattoo and Horror Fest' Puts Some Fright in the Night

By Sheldon Male
Motlow Buzz Reporter

                NASHVILLE, Tenn. —The "Full Moon Tattoo and Horror Festival" occurred from April 18-20 in downtown Nashville, bringing out stars of the genre, showcasing the best tattoo artists from around the country, and selling horror items.
                This year’s convention marked the 13th year since Ben and Stacey Dixon created the event, and it was an astounding success.
               “Another 'Full Moon' has ended," Ben Dixon reported on his Facebook page. "Stacey and I want to thank each and everyone personally for coming out to the show and showing the support. It is always so wonderful to see our extended convention family. The old friends and so many new ones that we met this year. We appreciate all of the vendors, artists, tattoo artists and celebrities, but most of all the fans that make this show possible.”
The monsters and madmen descended on the Nashville Convention Center, 601 Commerce St. Just walking to the convention, one could tell who the fans were. Many fans of the genre were dressed up as the creatures of the night, or their favorite horror movie monster. It was a group all to itself. Even some of Motlow’s own students, like Spencer Sciers, have gone to previous conventions and had a blast. 

Derek Mears From "Friday the 13th"
          After one arrives at the convention, he or she is allowed to wander. One can walk the main showroom floor and meet the monsters. Some Motlow students arrived a little too late to meet all the celebrities, but they did get to meet Derek Mears, who is known for his work as Jason Voorhees in "Friday the 13th” , "Predators", "Hansel and Gretel", "Grimm" and "Sleepy Hollow".  Some also got to meet Ken Foree, who is known for his work in "Dawn of the Dead" and "The Devils Rejects". The full line-up of celebrities included Corey Feldman, Jamie Kennedy, Scott Wilson, the "Pet Zombies" from "The Walking Dead", Santiago Cirilo, Michael Koske, Tony Moran, PJ Soles, William Forsythe, Daniel Bisutti, Steve Railsback, James Duvall, Ladislav Beran, John Dugan, Terry Kiser, Mark Slaughter, Chris Fleming, Eric Powell, Eugene Clark, Kip Weeks, Sal Lizard and Gene Hadley.
After meeting the celebrities, one can walk around and shop among the many vendors. Most vendors were just selling t-shirts and posters. However, some of them were selling other items such as horror masks and eye-changing contact lenses. Some attendees bought t-shirts. A favorite vendor was Joel Robinson, who drew a big crowd. He designed all the artwork for this year’s event and also made his fifth appearance this year.  Fans can see some of Joel Robinson’s work at www.artpusher.net.

Joel Robinson with his artwork
          There were also various contests that occurred throughout the day. A costume contest gave fans the opportunity to portray their favorite monsters with wonderful and colorful outfits. The festival also featured a competition for all of the tattoos that were created that day. A large number of tattoo vendors from across the country competed, with some of them even displaying the trophies they had won in previous years.  There was also a tattoo seminar with legendary tattoo artist Bob Tyrell.
The convention pulled all kinds of people from all walks of life. From the artists and vendors to scary monsters, the convention didn't leave anyone disappointed. The Dixons have already started making plans for next year’s convention, getting celebrities lined up. So, fans should start getting their monster outfits ready.


1 comment:

  1. Nice post! This is a very nice blog that I will definitively come back to more times this year! Thanks for informative post. Tattoo Entfernung
