Thursday, April 28, 2016

Local Record Stores Celebrate Music

By Noah Gardner
Motlow Buzz Reporter
            NASHVILLE, Tenn.— All-day music events happened at various record stores in Nashville on April 16, celebrating Record Store Day.
            Record Store Day occurs once a year and is celebrated around the nation. It is a day that supports music in record form, which has made its comeback among music listeners. Individuals use this day to celebrate music and local record stores.  For the record stores, it is the biggest day of the year, generating thousands of dollars in record sales.
Bands and major record labels from across the country use the day to release or re-release some of the legendary acts’ most-sought-after albums. Some of the big names this year included David Bowie, Johnny Cash, Madonna, Outkast and Metallica. Record collectors grabbed some of these rare and limited records before they were gone.
Wray at Grimeys (photo by Noah Gardner)
            This day was especially important in a town where music is so prevalent. The big record stores across town such as Grimeys, Third Man, The Groove and Fond Object staged all-day events. The day started at 10 a.m., and the weather couldn’t have been better. Located on Eighth Avenue, Grimeys had Mayor Megan Barry perform a DJ set where she spun some of her favorite Nashville records. Also, some up-and-coming acts such as Wray and Los Colognes played behind the store to a music loving crowd.
 “There has been a great turnout and I am really happy to see this many people still interested in records,” said Josh Walker, the assistant manager of Grimeys.
Right down the road on Seventh Avenue, Jack White had some of his own special RSD releases at his well-known Third Man Records. In addition, local punk group Faux Ferocious energized the line of people waiting to get in the store with their catchy riffs and Southern charm.
 Others ended up in East Nashville, where The Groove and Fond Object had many all-day festivities.
At The Groove, there were many new and used records that the East Nashville culture looked highly upon. There was not a sad face in the crowd as everyone watched the local sweethearts Ornament while munching on food truck tacos and soaking them down with craft beer.
Fond Object not only celebrated Record Store Day, but also its third anniversary. At the Fond Object backyard, there were many booths from local stores selling their own antiques, shirts and art. The day ended with the sun going down as everyone listened to the harmonious Nashville based group Promised Land Sound. They lived up to their name by playing twangy folk music to a big crowd behind the store.
Ranch Ghost at Fond Object (photo by Noah Gardner)
“We are really proud to be living in a city that cherishes music as much as we do, and we are especially honored to be playing on a day that celebrates the best format of music,” said Promised Land Sound’s front man Joey Scala.
            As a whole, the day was filled with great music and great records. Although a lot of people now have holes in their pockets from the exclusive records that they could not live without, the day was filled with an energy unlike any other. A sense of community was spread throughout each store and a shared love for music.
For more information about Record Store Day, visit


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