Tuesday, April 26, 2016

'SILAS' Movie Opens At Watkins College In Nashville

By Bradlee Jefferson
Motlow Buzz Reporter

            NASHVILLE, Tenn. – A local student director debuted the film “SILAS” on the evening of April 9 at Watkins College of Art, Design and Film in Nashville.
            This premiere was the first time “SILAS” was available for public viewing since its completion almost two years ago. Buzz regarding the event traveled around more than one might think as 23 people attended the film’s premiere. Among those who attended were half of the cast, the film’s composer, and the film’s writer, director, producer and lead star, Bralyn Stokes. Stokes and the rest of the cast are all students at Watkins College.
            “SILAS was the first time Stokes had directed and starred in a movie role, but not his first experience with acting. Stokes had performed in various plays, and even some television roles on HBO before trying his hand at directing his own movie.
            “I have been acting for the better part of nine years now, but at that time I had yet to have much experience in working with movies,” said Stokes.
            When asked about what inspired him to create “SILAS”, Stokes mentioned that he got the idea from a song by Betty Who of the same name.

            “The song is about this girl longing for her love, Silas, to come back for her, and take her away with him,” said Stokes. “So, I wrote the movie as somewhat of a prelude to the song.”
            SILAScertainly manages to capture that feeling of longing. The film’s plot revolves around a girl named Mia, played by the beautiful Meg Tackett, who gets involved in a family conflict between Silas, Bralyn Stokes, and his mother, Tamiko Robinson-Steele, throughout a record-hot summer.
            “The cast was so amazing,” said Stokes. “I cannot thank them enough for how wonderful each of them were. In fact, during the scene where Silas’ mother has a breakdown, I sat Tamiko down and told her, ‘Now I know you can get loud. I need you to show some rage. Really yell at this girl,’ and she just blew it out of the water.”
            This was Tackett’s, Robinson-Steele’s, and Dylan Stephens’, who played Mia’s friend Brandon, first acting roles. Each of them did a rather impressive job for their first gigs as actors/actresses.
            The film has yet to be accepted into a film festival, but it will be released online on the film’s Facebook page and YouTube. For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/silasfilm and/or https://www.facebook.com/events/579287838914354/


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