Thursday, December 1, 2016

MTSU Takes Big Win Over KSU

By Andrew Isbell
MURFREESBORO, Tenn. – The Middle Tennessee State University rugby team grabbed a big win over conference rival Kennesaw State University at 1 p.m. on Nov. 5 by a score of 39-10.

            MTSU and KSU are both in the South Independent Rugby Conference and have developed as big rivals. The two teams are incredibly physical, which made for an exciting match. This time around, the MTSU Moosemen took the victory.

The game of rugby is big internationally, a main sport for many countries including New Zealand, Fiji and Ireland among many others. It is often described as soccer and football combined. It’s football in the sense of tackling and passing, but without the pads. It’s soccer in the way of kicking. Passes are only allowed to go backwards or lateral, and a player can kick virtually whenever.

A match involves scrums and line-outs. A scrum looks identical to the offensive and defensive lines in football. A line-out looks almost like the ball being thrown back in soccer with a couple extra rules. A “try” is worth five points, and the conversion kick is worth two. A field goal is worth three points.

            The beginning of the game favored the Moosemen, who scored three times within the first 20 minutes. Scores came from MTSU starting Wing Devante Beasley, starting Second Row Trevor Wingerter, and starting Flanker Marcus Leuluai. The back end of the first half was more of a stalemate with both teams scoring once, which made the score at half time, MTSU 20, KSU 5. The last “try” in the first half came from MTSU starting Second Row Deshun Richardson.

            “The first 20 minutes of the game were fantastic for us,” MTSU Forwards Coach Jeff Pittman said. “We looked incredible.”

            In the second half, the Moosemen seemed to slow down, although almost doubling their halftime score. Conditioning is a huge part of the game, and being the beginning of the season, both teams started to tire out. The kickers seemed to shine in the second half, converting on three scores and making a penalty kick.  

            “In the second half, they (KSU) started to realize they weren’t going to win, so they started to hit us a lot harder, and I was gassed,” Richardson said. “It seemed like they were trying to hurt us.”

            The atmosphere during the game, although a small crowd, was electric. The fans loved to see their Moosemen score again and again.

MTSU has two remaining games this semester. The first will be played at 7 p.m. on Nov. 12 against Georgia Tech in Atlanta. The second will be played at 1 p.m. on Nov. 19 against the University of Memphis in Murfreesboro.

            MTSU remains undefeated on the season and is in first place in the SIRC Conference. They will take time off for Christmas break, then start right where they left off playing conference games to try and advance to the championship in May.  

            For more information about how to get involved either as a player or a spectator, visit


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