Friday, September 8, 2017

In the Motlow Spotlight: A Conversation With Mollie

            The Motlow Buzz is publishing spotlight interviews with students, faculty, administrators and staff members who are contributing to Motlow’s amazing success. This issue, we spotlight Mollie McDonald, Smyrna Vice President of the Student Government Association.

Question: Tell us a bit about you Mollie.

Answer: “My name is Mollie McDonald. I live in Murfreesboro and graduated from an online homeschool in 2016.”

Question: Why did you choose Motlow? What is your major, and what do you want to be when you grow up?

Answer: “I chose Motlow because it is growing quickly, which allows so much opportunity for the school and for the students. After Motlow, I'm going to transfer to Western Kentucky University for a bachelor’s degree in film, so eventually I can become a director.”

Question: What is your favorite thing about Motlow Smyrna?

Answer: “I enjoy how caring the professors here at Motlow Smyrna are.”

Question: Why did you join the SGA? What do you do as our Smyrna VP?

Answer: “I joined the Student Government Association to make Motlow Smyrna an even more fun and exciting place to be for the students. As the Smyrna VP, I am in charge of planning fun events for the students and giving the students what they ask for.”

Question: How can students get involved with SGA even if they aren’t an elected officer?

Answer: “Everyone who attends Motlow is already in the Student Government! All they have to do is give us their email and they'll be informed of all events and meetings.”

Question: What piece of advice would you give to a first-time incoming freshman? What do you wish you had known on your first day here?

Answer: “To incoming freshman I would say, make friends while you're here. Talk to people, get involved, and enjoy yourself. Lots of people think of this as just something they have to do to get to a bigger school. However, just because this isn't a typical university experience doesn't mean you can't have fun!”

Congratulations Mollie! Thank you for making a big difference on Motlow State’s Smyrna campus.

(This interview was conducted by Motlow Buzz Managing Editor Ramona Shelton.)

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