Friday, September 22, 2017

In The Motlow Spotlight: History Club President Bien Espera

     Motlow Buzz Managing Editor Ramona Shelton recently interviewed History Club President Bien Espera. As you can see, this promising student is making a big difference on Motlow's Smyrna campus.

Bien Espera serves as president of the History Club on the Motlow Smyrna campus.

Question: What is your major?

Answer: “Currently, I plan to graduate from Motlow with an associate degree in General Studies as a foundation to a university transfer to either Cumberland University for a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics or MTSU with a bachelor’s degree in Physics and a minor in French.”

Question: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Answer: “I can’t say I fully know what I want to be when I grow up. One thing I would like to possibly open is a cat cafĂ© due to my love of cats, coffee and tea. With it, I hope to give some cats from shelters a home. All in all, my definition of success is knowing the true value of life without materialism and having both financial stability and financial freedom.”

Question: Tell us something interesting about yourself.

Answer: “One interesting fact about me is my love of animals. I have a 4-month-old kitten named Athena, who is extremely feisty, quirky and full of personality, yet sweet, and a 15-year-old Chihuahua-Jack Russell mix named Brownie, who is rather a couch potato and snug bug, yet aggressive and protective like his Aztec and Mayan ancestors. I can prove that cats and dogs can get along! Another fact is my love for reading books and writing poetry. I began writing poems in middle school as a hobby because I saw something rather nifty about the self-expression of words using metaphors and symbolism. On top of it all, I enjoy playing piano as a de-stressor.”

Question: Why did you choose Motlow?

Answer: “During my senior year in high school, I took several Dual Enrollment classes at Motlow while simultaneously taking AP classes at LaVergne High School. As the year drew to a close, I wasn’t so sure which direction I should take because I graduated one year before Tennessee Promise started. However, I saw great education opportunities here at Motlow, such as inexpensive tuition, flexible schedules, amiable professors, and an idyllic atmosphere that I couldn’t pass up.”

Question: What is the best thing about Motlow Smyrna?

Answer: As a sophomore, I have attended Motlow for four semesters simultaneously balancing a hectic work schedule with an insane amount of homework only to find that the best thing about Motlow Smyrna is the helpfulness of each of my professors and the positive vibes they bring to every class period.”

Question: As History Club President, what do you hope to accomplish this year?

Answer: “As the History Club President, I hope to increase the involvement of our members, not only in the Smyrna area but also in the many communities around us to broaden our horizons while incorporating historical concepts when feasible. The concepts will not only include the war and political stories that we learn in World and American History classes but also the pop culture history from different time periods because history has a profound significance to our future growth in all kinds of professions and careers. This semester we have a tentative calendar planned for several on-site activities, historical site trips, and volunteer opportunities (beneficial for TN Promise students!). We are always welcoming new members throughout the year so please come to our events and make new friends!”

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