Sunday, February 18, 2018

Emergency Preparedness Drill to Occur on Smyrna Campus

         SMYRNA -- Imagine seeing the sky go dark and hearing an alert to take shelter.
         This actually happened at Volunteer State Community College in Gallatin when a tornado ripped through the campus, damaging several buildings. Other twisters have hit Murfreesboro and Nashville in recent years.
         As stormy spring approaches, the Motlow Department of Public Safety has been scheduling a series of unannounced Emergency Preparedness drills on all Motlow campuses. According to Director of Public Safety Ray Higginbotham, these drills are required as part of the SACS COC accreditation requirements.
         "Participation in these drills is mandatory for all faculty, adjunct faculty, students and everyone on campus whenever a drill happens," Higginbotham said. "The scheduling of the drills was coordinated with each campus dean." 

         All drills will be conducted with the least amount of interruption as possible. Everyone is urged to take these drills seriously.
         "Treating these drills seriously and responsibly will help ensure that everyone is better prepared to respond appropriately in a real situation," he added.
         Higginbotham will be on each campus to monitor the drills, checking to see that proper procedures are followed and that everyone participates. He will be available to answer any questions and assist as necessary. Each drill will last no more than eight to 10 minutes maximum, from start to finish.  
         All emergency alert messages are broadcast through the Motlow intercom speaker system. The pre-recorded messages will provide very detailed instructions for everyone to follow. Staff is no longer required to blow horns or verbally announce messages during any alerts.
         "Each drill will be announced with a warning message explaining that the drill is not an actual emergency," Higginbotham continued. "That message will be followed by very distinct siren sounds that will be immediately followed by a very clear message explaining the procedures that need to be immediately implemented and followed." 
         Ample time will be given for everyone to implement the required procedures (approximately seven minutes). Once everyone has followed the proper procedures and moved to a designated shelter area, the “All Clear” message will be broadcast utilizing the Motlow intercom speaker system. 
         There will not be a “face-to-face All Clear” message given at the conclusion of the drill. Once the “All Clear” message has been broadcasted utilizing the Motlow intercom speaker system, everyone may resume their normal activities.
         The Motlow Alert messaging system (Text Alert Messages) will not be activated during a drill. The “Motlow Alert” messaging system will only be used in the event of an actual emergency situation. 
         There will not be a follow-up meeting of the “Emergency Management Team” at the conclusion of this drill.
         Higginbotham encouraged individuals to review the current Emergency Preparedness Plans for detailed instructions of what you should do during any drill or actual emergency situation. The Emergency Preparedness Plans for all campuses are located on the Intranet.
         "It is critical that everyone review the Emergency Preparedness Plans and familiarize themselves with everything in the plans," he said. "You may also refer to the color-coded quick reference sheets that are located throughout each campus in office areas, classroom areas, etc., for detailed instructions for specific types of situations. I encourage everyone to pay close attention to the Emergency Preparedness Plans, especially those individuals who are listed as 'Building Responsible Persons.'"
         All Motlow severe weather shelters are located on the first floor of all buildings. Designated shelter areas may be hallways or rooms. These areas are identified by distinguishable signs.

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