Sunday, February 18, 2018

Motlow Smyrna Spotlight: Heather Koller

By Emma Sagor
Motlow Buzz Contributing Writer

         Associate Professor of History Heather Koller is a beloved educator who has made invaluable contributions to Motlow Smyrna. She currently serves as a faculty-at-large representative for Faculty Council. Motlow Buzz Contributing Writer Emma Sagor recently conducted this insightful interview.

     QUESTION: Tell me a little something about yourself, so our readers can get to know who you are and what you do here at Motlow.

     ANSWER: "First and foremost, I am a teacher, and I teach history. Teaching history is the most joyful part of my job! I am also the faculty at large representative, which means I work with the faculty as well."

     QUESTION: What made you want to teach in the field that you are teaching in?

     ANSWER: "I have always loved history. I remember while in graduate school reading all the History books I could get my hands on. There is nothing I ever wanted to do more than major in History."

     QUESTION: Do you have a favorite Historical Character?

     ANSWER: "Theodore Roosevelt! Really the whole Roosevelt family, Theodore, Franklin and Eleanor. They are my favorites. They were always optimistic, and they believed that if we work together that we can make things better. They were also strongly committed to justice."

     QUESTION: How long have you been teaching?

     ANSWER: "I have been teaching 12 years full time, but originally I started as an adjunct part time when the Motlow Smyrna site was in the armory."

     QUESTION: Did you teach anywhere prior to teaching here at Motlow?

     ANSWER: "Before teaching here in Tennessee, I taught in North Carolina."

     QUESTION: Are you originally from the Smyrna area?

     ANSWER: "No, I was born in Illinois, and I grew up there."

     QUESTION: What brought you to Tennessee?

     ANSWER: "We usually followed my husband when new job opportunities arose. We currently have been living here in Tennessee for about 20 years now." 

     QUESTION: What brought you here to Motlow?

     ANSWER: "When I was an adjunct, I choose to teach classes at Motlow over other schools because I thought it had a better atmosphere. The way people treated each other with a lot of kindness and thoughtfulness is one reason that stood out about Motlow to me."

     QUESTION: What advice would you give for success - whether in life in general or success in a particular area?

     ANSWER: "Keep going even when it feels like it isn’t working! Be thoughtful and be good to others. Always be professional, and even when life knocks you down, get back up! It may sound a little cliché, but it is one of my philosophies. Another piece of advice I would give anyone is to always stand up for what you know is right."

     QUESTION: Ms. Ramona Shelton and Mr. Charles Whiting both mentioned you as one of the top people they looked up to -- who inspired them. Who is someone that you look/looked up to?

     ANSWER: "I had a mentor in grad school named Dr. Portwood, and she was always extremely patient with me and kind to me. She believed in me. She definitely made me feel like I could succeed. One thing that has inspired me since I started my career in Smyrna was when Motlow first was in Smyrna. It only used to consist of the small building. We were once shoved in that small building, so we all worked together, and it made me want to do my best with the people I worked with, to be my best. It also made me realize that we have to take care of each other."

     QUESTION: What is your favorite quote?

     ANSWER: "Let’s see… I’ll give you a history quote by William Faulkner. 'The past is never dead; it’s not even past.'"

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