Monday, February 4, 2019

Motlow Smyrna Spotlight: Student Leader Lucas Lanius

(Editor's note: This issue, The Motlow Buzz spotlights student leader Lucas Lanius, who serves as president of the History Club on the Smyrna campus of Motlow State Community College.)

Interview by Ramona Shelton
Motlow Buzz Managing Editor

QUESTION: Why did you choose Motlow Smyrna?

ANSWER:  “I chose Motlow Smyrna because it’s been very success-oriented towards students. I see staff and professors alike everywhere doing everything in their power to see their students prevail in the work that they give. Motlow has also been a great choice for teaching me something they don’t directly have a class for: responsibility. Motlow State Smyrna has taught me to take initiative for everything that I do and aspire to be. I’m very thankful for the opportunities they have given me to mature.”

QUESTION: What do you like best about being a Motlow Smyrna student?

ANSWER: “What I enjoy the most is how interactive Motlow Smyrna is. They may be a smaller campus, but they use it very well to their advantage. Staff and professors get to know their students better face-to-face, and students get to chat, hang out, and bond with each other. It’s only my second semester as a freshman, and I’ve made more friends at Motlow than I can count. I’m certain that even with expansions arriving in the future, Motlow Smyrna will continue to hold on to that mentality of reaching a caring and friendly hand out to everyone who comes to campus.”

QUESTION: What advice would you give to a new freshman coming to Motlow Smyrna for the first time?

ANSWER: “The advice I would give to a freshman getting to experience Motlow State Smyrna for the first time is to explore. Talk to people; get to know the backbone of the college you’re attending. I made the mistake of just being shy and trying to blend in and that’s not how Motlow Smyrna works. It celebrates different talents, styles, characters and so much more, and your personality is just what Motlow needs. Don’t be afraid to be out of the norm. You might find that it opens up just the right doors for you.”

QUESTION: You are the president of the History Club. Tell us what the club is all about? Why should Motlow Smyrna students get involved in the History Club?

ANSWER: “The History Club here at Motlow Smyrna can be summed up in three words: fun, interactive education. The History Club doesn’t want you to only learn about history. We want you to learn it while enjoying it with people of alike minds. Again, it’s another perfect way to introduce yourself to Motlow Smyrna, allowing you to laugh and relish the company that the History Club embraces you with. In just one semester, we’ve gone to an art museum, a former President’s home, and so many other places to expand a student’s knowledge of the history that surrounds them, all while being in the presence of awesome friends.”

QUESTION: What are your plans for after you graduate from Motlow?

ANSWER: “My personal plans after I finish my Spring 2020 semester is to go to Middle Tennessee State University. I want to major in video production and minor in journalism. My goal is to be either a videographer or journalist (or both) for any company in the automotive business. I have a special place in my heart for cars, and if I could get a job even remotely similar to Jeremy Clarkson, James May, or Richard Hammond on The Grand Tour, then I’ll be the happiest man on Earth.”

QUESTION: Tell us something interesting about yourself.

ANSWER: “Hmmmmm… good question. I think a lot of people don’t know that I really enjoy making reviews. I’m trying to get a small YouTube channel started where I take mobile tech and give an overview of it. I think it’s a great way for me to hone in my videography skills while doing something I enjoy and see others who I look up to doing it as well. Who knows? Maybe someday I’ll be the best tech reviewer out there, but I’m still a long way off from people like LinusTechTips, MKBHD, and Mr. Mobile.”

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