Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Success is... Achieving the Dream

          LYNCHBURG – Motlow State Community College has strengthened its commitment to improving student success by becoming part of the Achieving the Dream National Reform Network

          ATD, the nonprofit leading a movement to ensure student success for colleges that champion educational equity, continued to expand its Network with the addition of 20 colleges in 2018.

          “Achieving the Dream is an organization nationally known for serving as a catalyst in efforts supporting community colleges in their mission to increase student success,” said Dr. Michael Torrence, Motlow president. “More specifically, ATD strives for equity in student success and assists colleges as they drill down into their data to review exactly where they are strong and where they have opportunities.”

          Chosen by the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR), Motlow represents one of the eight Tennessee community colleges that joined ATD in the 2018 cohort, which is among the largest in the organization’s 14-year history. The joining colleges increased the ATD Network to more than 200 institutions from 41 states, including the District of Columbia. 

          Teams from each of the 20 colleges met last year in Cleveland, Ohio, to set the stage for their work as ATD Network institutions. Their three-day experience at the Kickoff Institute included an introduction to ATD’s approach, along with a capacity-building framework and companion self-assessment tool that enables colleges to pinpoint their strengths and areas for improvement across seven institutional capacities that are needed to facilitate change.

          This framework integrates and aligns efforts that the colleges may have already begun to implement, such as guided pathways, integrated planning and advising, development education redesign, and assesses readiness for other large-scale change work.

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