Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Motlow's 'International Day' Festival to Spotlight 19 Countries on March 29

                SMRYNA – “¡Es el Día Internacional!” or as they say in English, “It’s International Day!”

                Hundreds of students, teachers and staff members will fill the two-story STAH Building lobby from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on March 29 (Wednesday) for live entertainment, food and games from 19 countries. This year’s “International Day” will be bigger than ever.

                “We will explore fascinating cultures and delicious foods prepared by our own students, faculty and staff,” said Heather Koller, event organizer and associate professor of history. “What makes our event so special is that the Motlow family is a diverse mix of wonderful people. Many of the food items will be prepared by individuals who immigrated to the United States from other parts of the world.”

                Live entertainment will include

                * An “Old Time Music” show from 11-11:30 a.m. featuring songs from the ‘30s, ‘40s and ‘50s performed by Academic Dean Elizabeth Fitch and Associate Professor of Biology Kevin Fitch.

                * Salsa dancing and Spanish singing from 11:30-11:40 a.m. led by Professor Montoya Blandon.

                * “Doctor Who Film Tours from Around the World” from 11:40 a.m.-12:10 p.m. with colorful insights from Associate Professor of English John Hart and Associate Professor of English Jay Stringfield.

                * Quidditch games on the college lawn from 12:15-1 p.m. in the “Harry Potter” tradition led by Associate Professor of English Nathan Sweeton.

                * Belly dancing from 1-2 p.m. led by Executive Assistant Heidi Parker.

                “Old time music is a genre that is between the time period of traditional Irish music and traditional Bluegrass music,” said Elizabeth Fitch. “The style of music we play originated in the Appalachian mountains and culture.”

                The lobby will feature tables laden with authentic foods and decorations from the British Isles (United Kingdom and Ireland); Europe (France, Germany, Finland and Switzerland); North America (Mexico and the United States); the Mediterranean (Italy and Spain); the Middle East (Egypt); Asia (China, Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines); the Caribbean (Cuba); South America (Brazil and Colombia); and Africa (Ethiopia).

                “One of our goals is to help connect people from different backgrounds, giving them the opportunity to experience the rich cultures, foods and traditions of other countries,” Koller added. “The lobby will be sectioned off to represent different regions of the world.”

                The Motlow Buzz student newspaper has created a Pinterest page with boards devoted to various countries. Individuals can explore the world with pictures at

                For more information or to volunteer for the event, contact Koller at

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