Thursday, March 2, 2017

MTSU Rugby Wins 24-12 in Physical Game with KSU

By Andrew Isbell
Contributing Writer

            KENNESAW, Ga. – The Middle Tennessee State University rugby team beat Kennesaw State University on Feb. 18 by a score of 24-12, surviving a physical match.
            MTSU and KSU are sitting numbers one and two in the South Independent Rugby Conference north standings. MTSU was 6-0 going into the game, and KSU was 4-1.
            This rivalry matchup had plenty of promise coming in, and the teams delivered. With physical and fast-paced play, the two did not disappoint the crowd.
            Big hit after big hit kept the tempo and excitement up and left everybody wanting more. Among the physical play, the number of penalties was held to a minimum, which led to an impressively clean game.
            When asked about how much defense the team had to play, former Motlow State Community College student and Prop Ben Bergeron said, “After they scored a lucky try off of a missed kick, we knew we couldn’t give up anymore points the rest of the way, so we tightened up defensively and shut them down.”
MTSU seems to always be a size disadvantage. KSU’s forward pack easily outweighed MTSU. In turn, the Moosemen had to be smart and use their conditioning to their advantage. 
             “As far as the team, we know we are more conditioned. We train all the time knowing that we aren’t the biggest, and it has helped us this year and in years past to excel” former Motlow State Community College student and Second Row Trevor Wingerter said.
            Defense was the theme for this occasion, although MTSU squeezed out four tries. Andy Pan (Inside Center), Anthony Godwin (Outside Center), Brennan Boykin (Flanker) and Eugene Elliot (Scrumhalf) were the try scorers. Ben Bergeron and Patrick Brouillette converted on two of the four tries.
            With this win, MTSU solidifies their number one spot in the North side of SIRC, and remain undefeated at 7-0. MTSU has one remaining game against Georgia Southern in two weeks, then will take on the SIRC playoffs in Orlando, Florida.

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