Thursday, April 19, 2018

Discover the Versatility of Your Clothes

By Amelia Zeller
Motlow Buzz Contributing Writer

SMYRNA -- One of the most fun things about fashion is the style diversity that a single piece of clothing can offer. After you wear the same outfit a few times, it doesn't feel new anymore. However, by switching up how you style your clothes, you can make them feel new again.
There are many things that you can do to mix up your typical outfits. I've discovered many simple things I can do to accessorize and change up an outfit, such as add a pop of color, or try different pairs of shoes. A different hairstyle or jacket could also be what makes an outfit unique.
It is important to take note of your own style preferences and embrace them. You will probably find that it is easier to be creative with your style when you know what kind of outfits you like to wear. When you own your personal style, a natural confidence ensues, and self-confidence is the best accessory out there!
 You do not need a huge wardrobe to create a variety of outfits. You only need your creativity. It is easiest to mix and match using similar colors, so experiment with a color scheme that you like. Basic everyday articles of clothing are also easiest to mix and match, such as a white button-up shirt, blue jeans, or a blazer. By discovering different ways to wear your clothes, you are getting the most use out of them.
An article at, , displays the diversity of clothes by showing how you can wear the same nine articles of clothing for two weeks.
All you need is a small, versatile wardrobe of items that suit you to create stylish outfits with personal flair. Usually, those of us who suffer from "nothing to wear" have a lot of random clothing items that do not go together. If you intentionally buy items that are versatile, it will be much easier to coordinate outfits. When you buy less clothing items that can purposefully be arranged into many different looks, you are saving money on clothes you would not wear often.
I decided to experiment with the style versatility of some clothing that I own. I chose timeless pieces that are commonly found in young women's wardrobes: denim jeans, a leather jacket, and a black t-shirt. To the best of my closet's ability, I created three unique looks from each of these classic articles of clothing to show the different ways they can be styled.

The versatility of jeans:
The first item that I styled was a pair of denim jeans. Jeans are one of the most versatile pieces in fashion, and most people own more than one pair. Jeans are worn millions of different ways every day because they are classic and easy to incorporate with most things.
Buzzfeed article I found asked 17 people to style a denim jacket in their own way, , and every outfit manages to have a personal touch of uniqueness. 
For the first denim outfit I created, I wanted to keep it very casual, so I added sneakers and a hip bag as a practical replacement for a purse. I added a hat because it is an easy way to add a casual feel to any look. To keep the outfit from being too simple, I incorporated large silver necklaces.
To create my second look including jeans, I combined them with a black button-up shirt and black boots that can be worn almost anywhere, casual or more formal. I put my hair in a bun for this outfit because it draws more attention to the large statement earrings and collared shirt.
The third look I created is the most formal one. When you pair jeans with heels it gives them an instant professional boost. I put a white button-up underneath a cardigan to help give the whole outfit a more formal look. Denim can be easily dressed up or down depending on the look you are going for, so it is very useful to own a good pair of jeans that you like to wear.

Experimenting with a leather jacket:
The next clothing item I got creative with was a leather jacket. Leather can add edge to any look instantly. For the first look I came up with, I kept it casual with a soft sweater underneath and accessorized with a black leather bag and boots to make the look cohesive.
Leopard print and leather are two of my favorite things, so, the second look I created was inevitable. I paired leopard print trousers with furry leopard slides to match. This look is the most casual of them all but adding the leather jacket helps keep it looking comfortable and casual without looking sloppy.
The third look I created displays the formality a leather jacket can bring to an outfit. By layering a leather jacket over a dress, you are combining two different styles for a bold look. This can be one of the most exciting things about experimenting when you are creating outfits; you have the freedom to combine whatever you want.

Making a black t-shirt interesting:
The final clothing item that I got versatile with for this blog was a plain black t-shirt. A black t-shirt is a basic item owned by most people, and it can be worn countless different ways. For the first outfit I created, I paired the t-shirt with matching black shoes. I chose a brown bag and brown pair of pants to bring in additional colors as an easy way to switch it up. I added an over-sized necklace and a silver belt to keep the t-shirt from looking too plain.
Next, I decided to pair the black t-shirt with lots of color. I chose to use pink, blue and white as the color scheme for the rest of this outfit. This proves that a black t-shirt can match with anything because of its ability to be combined with any colors. 
The last look that I constructed is one of all black. A ballet-like skirt and heeled boots add a formal touch to this look centered around a simple black t-shirt. Another tip for accessorizing is to use red lipstick to subtly add color to any look!
If you invest in versatile pieces of clothing that you love, you will have a much easier time creating unique outfits that make use of your whole wardrobe. Fashion does not have to feel hard. There are a lot of things you can do to make new looks with the same clothes and discover your clothing's versatility.

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