Thursday, November 8, 2018

How to Prepare for the Bonnaroo Festival

By Sarah Queen
Motlow Buzz Contributing Writer

Imagine arriving to Bonnaroo on a hot summer day. You start to unpack and set up your campsite. But oh no! You forgot to bring a tarp, and it is going to be 90' plus degrees in your tent without any shade! You don’t need to worry. I have been to Bonnaroo, and have you covered on what you need!
Bonnaroo is a music and arts festival that is staged annually in Manchester, Tennessee. In 2019, it will be held June 13-16. Bonnaroo started in 2002 and is held in the Great Stage Park.

Buy your ticket:
The first step planning for Bonnaroo is to make sure you’ve bought your ticket and a car parking pass if you plan to camp. The general admission tickets start off at $274.50 plus fees. The prices will increase the closer Bonnaroo gets. After you have purchased your ticket and registered your wristband, it is time to start packing. You can also add your card to your wristband and pay for everything inside of Roo cashless! This is a good way to avoid people stealing from you.

Selecting your wardrobe:
 If you have been to a music festival before, you know the outfits can be very creative and lively. I plan out an outfit for each day, and I also like to pack a couple extra outfits in case I decide I want to wear something else. It is also important to pack a swimsuit if you want to play in the fountain, even though it is totally acceptable to play in your clothes or underwear, but I prefer my swimsuit. Also, do not forget to pack comfy clothes to sleep in! Getting back to your tent and changing into something more comfortable after a long day of enjoying music is a great feeling.
 You should also bring sandals, towels and shower necessities. Roo has showers you can pay to use, and they also have a happy hour during which the showers are half price. If you do not want to pay for a shower you, can always shower in the mushroom fountain in Centeroo or bring a portable shower! If you do not want to buy a portable shower, I would bring baby wipes and a couple gallons of water to clean yourself with.

Consider the weather:
Last year when I went to Bonnaroo, the weather forecast was sunny for each day, so I pack accordingly. On the last day, Mother Nature changed her mind, and it rained pretty hard all night. This was nice because it cooled the camp down some, and I was able to sleep in. Unfortunately, I did not pack any rain boots or a poncho. When there are thousands of people walking in wet grass, it can turn into mud really quick. Unfortunately, I ruined a pair of shoes, but next year I will make sure I bring my rain boots.

Bathroom Horror:
You also want to bring toilet paper, not only for your campsite, but for when you are in Centeroo as well. Imagine that one of your favorite bands is about to start and you really have to use the bathroom. You leave to go real quick because you want to be sure you have time to make it back before they start. When you arrive at port-a-potties, there is a long line. You notice several empty stalls, so you pick one. After you’ve already started your business, you realize why the stalls were empty. There is no toilet paper! With your bathroom stall being a portapotty, and there being hundreds of strangers on the outside, your options are limited. This is why it is important to bring your own. You would rather be safe than sorry. I suggest bringing someone inside Centeroo with you just in case.
Now you are heading back into the crowd to find your friends. You thought you remembered where they were, but you do not see them anywhere. This is why it is important to bring a totem pole or flag, so your friends can find you in the crowd. I would also set up lights or a flag at your campsite so you can find it easier on the way home at night.

 Snacks, meals and water are all very important. The food inside of Bonnaroo can get very pricey, so it is important to eat at your campsite before Roo, and you can bring some snacks into Centeroo.
 Now besides all the obvious, you will need to bring camping supplies. Make sure you pack a tent, sleeping bag, and warm clothes. Even though the festival is during the middle of the summer, it can get cold at night, so bring a hoodie!
I also found it very helpful to bring a tarp to put over your tent, and tapestries to put inside of it. They will shade it from the sun some, and they are nice decorations! Sunscreen is also very important, and I brought a couple bottles of Pedalyte ( ) to help restore some energy the sun took away from me.

Use a Map:
If you have never been to Bonnaroo before, you might want to take a look at the map and lineup to try to become familiar with where the stages are. Last year was my first year attending, and luckily I went with friends who have been multiple times, so they showed me around. If it is your first time going and you do not have any friends who have been before, I would look at the lineup and the map to figure out where you are going. Otherwise you might wait an hour for a set that is at another stage.
You can download a Bonnaroo app that has a mobile schedule and map. It also sends you any important alerts throughout the weekend. Whenever it stormed the last day of Bonnaroo, the phone alerts let us know that Centeroo closed, and what time it reopened!
Basically all that is left is to have a good time and enjoy yourself! Everyone at Bonnaroo is very helpful and friendly. Do not forget to spread good vibes! And remember no music festival is perfect, but you have to make the most out of what you got.
These are just some of the things I thought were important to know before going to Bonnaroo. Here is Bonnaroo’s official checklist, so you can make sure you pack everything you need!
Here is Bonnaroo’s official checklist:
And also a very helpful checklist from Nashville Guru:

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