Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Motlow Smyrna's Education Department Hosts PRAXIS Workshop

                SMYRNA -- The Motlow Smyrna Education Department recently hosted a PRAXIS workshop for students pursuing the AST degree in Education.

                According to Education Instructor Debbie Simpson, the workshop was presented by the Tennessee arm of the National Education Association. Students in this degree program must pass a national exam, the PRAXIS Core, as a requirement for completing their degree from Motlow State.

                October’s workshop was unique in that it was broadcast via ITV to all four Motlow campuses.  The presenting organization requires 12 students in attendance, minimum.

                “Last year, we were able to offer the workshop only to Smyrna Students, as we did not have enough sign up at the other campuses,” Simpson said. “This year, 20-plus students attended and learned about the exam, study tools for the exam, and security measures at the exam site. Students were most appreciative of the PRAXIS workshop as they were able to attend for free.”

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