Thursday, October 3, 2019

Arts Entrepreneur Valerie Connelly to Kick Off Autumn ‘Famous Communicator Speakers Series’ on Oct. 10

By Charles Whiting
Motlow Buzz Faculty Editor

        SMYRNA – Arts entrepreneur Valerie Connelly will kick off the autumn “Famous Communicator Speakers Series” with a talk at 2 p.m. Oct. 10 (Thursday) in AWJ 124.

        Connelly’s presentation, “Become An Entrepreneurial Communication Wizard,” will explain why communication is the key to success. Her talk is open to Motlow students, faculty, administrators and staff.

        The artist’s life as an entrepreneur in the creative arts has taken many forms. She is a noted composer, singer/songwriter, screenwriter, film producer, novelist, and author of children’s books.

Arts entrepreneur Valerie Connelly (Photo provided by Valerie Connelly)

        “If you can’t promote yourself, you’re out of luck in the arts,” said Connelly, who staged her Broadway-style musical “FEARLESS!” at the Cookeville Performing Arts Center in 2016. “I’ve developed everything I was curious about. My motto is to believe in yourself and never quit.”

        The artist has authored six books, written three musical plays, brushed more than 200 paintings, composed more than 500 songs and instrumentals, created more than 15 websites for her businesses, designed more than 100 block art print images, and created mountains of promotional materials. Her latest project, a feature musical film called “LOVE IS...” (inspired by her play “FEARLESS!”) features original songs, screenplay and trailers.

        “It is a valuable effort, and now the film industry is showing interest in making the film,” she added.

        Connelly hosted the “Calling All Authors” radio talk show for six years. She also is a website designer, painter, block print and printing artist, and book publisher. She taught all levels of high school French for 25 years after starting her teaching career in the Peace Corps in Togo, West Africa. She formed a non-profit travel company to provide month-long summer immersion study/travel courses.

        Other upcoming speakers for the “Famous Communicator Speakers Series” are WMOT Roots Radio Executive Director Val Hoeppner (“WMOT: Radio Of, By and For The People,” Oct. 30) and Tennessee State Rep. Mike Sparks (“The Importance of Communication in Our Digital World,” Nov. 12). The speakers series was developed by the Mass Comm program on Motlow State Community College's Smyrna campus. 

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