Wednesday, October 2, 2019

A Letter to Motlow Smyrna Students from Academic Dean Dr. Gregory N. Killough

Dear Students:

The Fall 2019 semester is now in full swing. It may still feel like summer outside, but midterms are just a few weeks away. Midterms begin on Oct. 4 and run through Oct. 10. As the new Dean at the Smyrna campus, I am really impressed with how friendly and compassionate the students are here at the Smyrna campus of Motlow State Community College. We have an outstanding faculty and staff wanting to help each of you have a successful Fall Semester.

Motlow Smyrna Academic Dean Dr. Gregory N. Killough (Photo by Charles Whiting)

I wanted to provide each of you with a few helpful reminders and/or suggestions on how to obtain the highest possible grade that you can in your courses.

1. Attend every class. It is important to be at every class and to be prepared.  Hearing the information directly from the instructor is paramount.

2. Be involved in the class. Ask questions, engage in discussions, engage in classroom activities.

3. Visit with your instructor before class, after class, or during office hours. It is important to seek help as soon as possible. You may need to schedule an appointment with your instructor.

4. Work with a study group that is focused and purposeful.

5. Use the tutoring centers or sessions early and often as they are free, and the help will keep you moving in the right direction.

6. Be involved in the campus life. Join clubs, groups, the SGA (Student Government). The more involved you are the more successful you will be.

7. Use all of the resources available to you: Student Success, Coaches, Counseling Support, Disability and Testing Services, Library, Campus Police, Font Office Staff, Financial Aid, and Instructors.

I hope that each of you will use the resources available to you so that you can have a successful Fall 2019 Semester.

The new building is almost complete, and we are planning to use it for Spring 2020 classes. The building is a state-of-the-art facility with new high-tech classrooms, new library, new bookstore, new student success area, new student collaborative spaces, and new offices for our instructors. It has many wonderful features that will allow the faculty and staff to continue to build on the quality of learning that they are already providing to you. The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new building is set for Dec. 17, 2019.

In closing, I look forward to meeting each of you over the next two semesters. I am proud to be a part of the excellent team of faculty and staff here at the Smyrna campus of Motlow State Community College. I wish each of you a wonderful and successful Fall 2019 semester.


Dr. Gregory N. Killough
Smyrna Campus Academic Dean

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