Friday, October 4, 2019

Words From Paige's Pages: Reticent, Sardonic, and Syllogism

            SMYRNA -- Our vocabulary expert, Smyrna Branch Librarian Paige Hendrickson, knows a thing or two about words. This issue, she provides definitions and usage examples for the words Reticent, Sardonic, and Syllogism

adjective: Not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily.

Synonyms: reserved, withdrawn, introverted, restrained, inhibited, diffident, shy, modest, unassuming, shrinking, distant, undemonstrative, uncommunicative, unforthcoming, unresponsive, tight-lipped, close-mouthed, close-lipped, quiet, taciturn, silent, guarded, secretive, private, media-shy, mum

Example: For the first presentation of the semester, most students in Speech class are reticent in responding with feedback or sharing opinions.

adjective: Grimly mocking or cynical.

Synonyms: mocking, satirical, sarcastic, ironical, ironic, cynical, scornful, contemptuous, derisive, derisory, sneering, jeering, scoffing, taunting, scathing, caustic, trenchant, mordant, cutting, sharp, tinging, acerbic, tart, acid, wry, dry, sarky, mordacious, acidulous

Example: After the students asked if the midterm exam was open book and open note, the professor gave the class a sardonic smile as an answer.

noun: 1. an instance of a form of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn (whether validly or not) from two given or assumed propositions (premises), each of which shares a term with the conclusion, and shares a common or middle term not present in the conclusion. A typical form is “All A is C; all B is A; therefore all B is C.” 2. deductive reasoning. 3. an extremely subtle, sophisticated, or deceptive argument.

(e.g., all dogs are animals; all animals have four legs; therefore all dogs have four legs).

Synonyms: deduction, dialectic, reasoning, logic, argument

Example: In order to convey a clearer explanation for the logical argument, the instructor gave the students a syllogism to make a real-life connection.

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