Sunday, March 11, 2018

Motlow Smyrna Spotlight: Sara Stringfield

By Emma Sagor
Motlow Buzz Contributing Writer

            You may recognize this beautiful soul from the vibrant and fun outfits she wears here to school, often her themed leggings being a staple piece. Mrs. Sara Stringfield is an adjunct professor of Statistics here at Motlow Smyrna. She is one of the few people who gets to share her work environment with her husband James Stringfield, professor of English. If you don’t see her in class, you can often find her in the Student Success office, helping tutor students in math! I had the wonderful opportunity to sit down with Mrs. Sara and ask her some questions for the student body to get to know her better. 

Question: Tell me about yourself? 

Answer: "I want the students to know that I truly care about their success as a human being. I look forward to every semester helping our student body achieve their academic goals. I love my cats. I have two. Their names are Benjamin Franklin after Benjamin Franklin of course and Sophie Germain after a famous French mathematician. I’m an animal person, with much love for them, and its just nice to have two little fur babies in our house -- in our home rather.
I love my kids and my family, and kindness is magic."

Question: What made you want to be a math teacher?

Answer: "I love helping people, not just students. I love helping people to problem solve and realize that every aspect of life is basically setting up a goal and an idea of how to get there."

Question: How long have you been teaching?

Answer: "I started teaching in 2002 as an undergraduate teaching assistant."

Question: What brought you here to Motlow?

Answer: "My husband Jay Stringfield teaches English, and he had let me know that their math lab here was looking for some help. I thought I’d give it a whirl."

Question: Did you teach anywhere prior to teaching here at Motlow?

Answer: "Yes, I taught briefly at Lancaster Academy, upper divisions mathematics at Laverne High, and introductory statics at Kansas State University."

Question: I heard you mention Kansas State, so does that mean you are not from here?

Answer: "No, my father was in the military. My parents live in Clarksville, and that is where I went to high school. Kansas State, an adorable town called the “Little Apple,” is where both me and Mr. Stringfield decided to attended graduate school together. We chose a school that had both a statistics and English program."

Question: That is so sweet. How long have you both been married?

Answer: (She has a huge smile on her face.) "We have been married for, gosh, it's been 12 and a half years. We met at an undergrad school at UT Martin and started dating in February of 2001. I love him so much! (She showed me the locket she had around her neck.) That’s me and him! (She pointed to the pictures on the inside.) He picks me up everyday, and even when he doesn’t have class, he will still drive me into work. I love him!"

Question: Do you have someone who inspires you, and why?

Answer: "I would have to say each member of my family -- my husband and my children each for different reasons. My husband inspires me to always be me! No matter how many times I ask him, should I do this, or what if it is too weird, he always says, 'I will support you. You got this!' He inspires me to be me. And my children, Monroe and Ava Grace, inspire me to be a good mom and a good human, because they look up to me. I hear them repeat things I say, and I have to be a good role model for them. I have to inspire them, too, because they are the future."

Question: What advice would you give for success -- whether in life in general or success in a particular area?

Answer: "Always keep it real. Be true to yourself. Honestly is always the best policy. And be kind."

Question: What is your favorite quote?

Answer: "Anything by Ben Franklin. I have a huge crush on Ben Franklin. You can quote that, and yes, Mr. Stringfield is aware. You can put that in there, too. I love him."

Question: What is your favorite thing about math?

Answer: "I love that it is a universal language."

Question: Do you have a favorite math equation?

Answer: "Yes! The equation for the volume of a sphere (Fourthirdspir3). It is also my username for both Instagram and Twitter! You should go follow me."

Question: It has been a pleasure interviewing you for The Buzz! Do you have any final words you would like to say?

Answer: "Come by the math lab! Got to put a plug in there. We help and serve our student body. We are located in the Student Success suite, and we look forward to seeing you!"

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