Thursday, March 21, 2019

Motlow Smyrna Library Announces Winners for 'Unplug & Read'

By Paige Hendrickson
Motlow Buzz Contributing Writer

            The Motlow Smyrna Library participated in the annual, county-wide initiative known as “Unplug & Read” for the seventh consecutive year.

            This month-long event is sponsored by Read To Succeed, the literacy organization for Rutherford County. Its purpose is to encourage people of all ages and reading levels to “unplug” from televisions, computers, video games, cell phones, and other electronic devices to enjoy the relaxation, pleasure and educational enrichment of reading.

            The Smyrna Library has adapted the program to fit in with the college environment, though hopefully still get the message across of literacy awareness and lifelong learning. To qualify for prizes, participants must keep track of the time they spend reading “unplugged” for the entire month of February, fill out entry forms, and submit them.

            The entry forms were located in the library, along with the box where readers dropped off the completed entries, which could be submitted every day, every week, or at the end of the month. Qualifying materials could range from newspapers and magazines to textbooks and graphic novels, as long as they were true printed materials.

            While 2019 seemed to be a low participation year in number of individuals, they more than made up for limited numbers of participants with impressive amounts of time reading. Seven individuals took part in this event: one faculty member, one staff member, and five students. These seven industrious souls turned in a total of 13 entries and totaled 169 hours and 12 minutes of “analog” reading time in February.

            “I would like to personally thank each person who was dedicated to this task and followed through by submitting the entries. If even one additional person per year is inspired to read more, all the effort is worth it!” said Smyrna Librarian Paige Hendrickson.

            The winners included student Gabby McCardell with 30 hours; staff member Jeannieann Mathis with 8 hours; and faculty member Omar Tantawi with 117 hours! Each winner received a gift card provided by Hendrickson, who is already brainstorming for February 2020.

Gabby McCardell

Jeannieann Mathis

Omar Tantawi

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