Monday, March 18, 2019

Students Can Earn TNPromise Service Hours by Volunteering at Radnor Lake

                Students who are looking for TNPromise service opportunities can volunteer for one of the following events at Radnor Lake State Natural Area in Nashville. 

                According to Professor Kevin Fitch, simply follow the weblink below and meet up with Radnor Lake rangers on the selected date. Lunch is usually provided by the Friends of Radnor Lake. Be sure to wear work clothes (e.g., pants, boots, long-sleeve shirt, and bring gloves and plenty of water). Radnor Lake will have you sign a liability wavier.

                For directions, visit .

Motlow State Tennessee Promise students Kayla Cuyugan and Ramtin Koushkabaghi volunteer at Radnor Lake with Professor Kevin Fitch (Photo from Inside Motlow)

                Here’s the Radnor Lake State Natural Area Volunteer Schedule for 2019:

                * March 22 (Friday), 2-6 p.m.
                * April 26 (Friday), 2-6 p.m.
                * May 24 (Friday), 2-6 p.m.
                * May 31 (Friday): 2-6 p.m. - National Trails Day Kick-Off
                * June 21 (Friday): 2-6 p.m. - TNPromise Workday Kick-Off
                * June 28 (Friday), 2-6 p.m.
                * July 26 (Friday), 2-6 p.m.
                * Aug. 23 (Friday): 2-6 p.m.
                * Sept. 27 (Friday), 2-6 p.m. - NPLD Kick-Off
                * Oct. 25 (Friday): 2-6 p.m.
                (November: NO VOLUNTEER DAY)
                (December: NO VOLUNTEER DAY)

               Individuals can learn more by visiting .

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