Thursday, March 28, 2019

Which Facial Oils Are Right For You?

By Kim Prasanerak
Motlow Buzz Contributing Writer

     Do you have acne-prone, sun damaged, or just overall dull skin? Or would you like a brighter and firmer complexion? Facial oils may be the answer to all of your skincare emergencies. If you want a radiant glow, a well-chosen oil is a must have.

Why I use facial oils
     I know there are several different facial oils out there on the market, and it can be overwhelming to know what oil will benefit for your skin type. I first started using oils when I was 15 years old, and I started to have a curiosity for skincare and developed a full skincare routine for myself. I have tested and trialed many different oils on my face over a span of a few years, and I have discovered that some are more effective than others for different skin types.

Why you should care for your skin
     You only get one skin over your lifetime, and it is your duty to take the best care for it as it ages. Proper skincare is important because our skin is the largest barrier against infection that we have. Keeping our skin healthy and moist keeps this barrier strong. All skin types are different. Because of this, your skin may require more care than the next persons. For this reason, you should pick products that work for you and cater to your skin needs.

What are facial oils?
     Facial oils are oils that are safe to be put on your face that can be beneficial for every skin type. Unlike creams or moisturizers, oils can sink deeply into the skin for long-lasting hydration and supplement. Face oils are naturally rich in vitamins and antioxidants needed for soft, glowing skin. They can help prevent and treat acne. There are several different oils on the market, and it can be overwhelming where to start. Some oils may not be so helpful to one skin type but be the holy grail to another. It is crucial to choose the right oil for your skin type, and this is a guide to help you to put your best skin forward!

Oily skin
     You may think, “I have oily skin, why would I ever put oils on my face?” Actually, oils may be the most beneficial to this skin type. Your skin may be oily because it is actually very dehydrated. Dehydrated skin tends to overproduce oil because your skin doesn’t know when to stop producing sebum since it is so dry underneath. It balances out your natural oils and can overall make your skin less oily. Oily skin types can benefit from a variety of oils on the market, but these are my favorite ones as I have this skin type!

Jojoba Oil
     This oil can be incredibly life-changing for an oily skin type. Jojoba oil is the closest thing to our skin's natural sebum, which is great at balancing out the oil on your face. It “tricks” your skin into producing much less oil. Jojoba oil is noncomedogenic, meaning it will not clog your pores. It is hypoallergenic, which means it will not cause irritation. It also has smoothing anti-inflammatory agents, healing properties, is moisturizing, and is a natural antimicrobial. These traits suggest that jojoba oil can prevent acne and promote healing for active breakouts. You can learn more about the benefits of jojoba oil at

Grapeseed Oil
     Grapeseed oil is a very lightweight oil and absorbs quickly into the skin. It contains high levels of linoleic acid, which can control acne by decreasing clogged pores. It can help your skin's moisture level by reducing transepidermal water loss. This boost of moisture will help slow oil production down since the skin thinks it is dry. Grapeseed oil is also great for reducing inflammation. To learn more about how great grapeseed oil is for your skin, you can visit

Dry Skin
     Dry skin types can benefit from facial oils a great deal since oils are very moisturizing. They can add a lot of luminosity to the skin and make the skin look overall less dull. Your skin may be dry because of a damaged skin barrier, and oils promote a healthy and strong skin barrier. Oils will heal the skin from inside out!

Almond Oil
     Almond oil is a light oil but moisturizes deeply. It is high in vitamin A (where retinol derives from), which can smooth out fine lines and help with skin texture. It is also high in vitamin E, which is an extremely powerful antioxidant, keeping your skin cells healthy and protects your skin from UV radiation damage. Almond oil is also loaded with fatty acids that help your skin retain moisture and heal chapped, irritated skin. To learn more about the many benefits of almond oil, you can go over to

Marula Oil
     Marula oil leaves your skin full of vitality and radiance while reducing epidermal inflammation and restoring the skin’s balance. This oil can build skin resilience and strengthen the natural lipid barrier. With regular use, marula oil has proved to significantly increase skin hydration and help build healthy
collagen. It is also highly anti-inflammatory, which will not irritate the skin. To learn more about what marula oil does for you, go to

Sensitive Skin
     Sensitive skin types may need to be careful with what they put on their skin. Before putting anything on the skin, they should do a patch test first making sure it will not cause any irritations. They need to find a formula that has no essential oils, which can be highly irritating. Sensitive skin types should look for an oil that will help repair the skin barrier that also soothes and nourishes it.

Aloe Vera Oil
     Most of the health benefits provided by aloe vera come from its water-retaining leaves, specifically the nutrient-rich gel extracted from them. It is the gel mixed with a fatty oil that creates aloe vera oil. Aloe oil can help in keeping the skin supple and firm. It may help with fine lines and wrinkles. It possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, antifungal, and astringent activity. It is known for its ability to promote overall skin health. To get more insight on how amazing aloe oil is, visit

Moringa Oil
     This oil is getting more and more popular by the minute in the cosmetic industry mainly because of its anti-aging benefits and other important properties. It helps fight skin fatigue and helps the bad effects from pollution on the skin. It is a wonderful skin purifier, making it glow naturally. It is filled with antioxidants that slow the aging process down and help the activity of free radicals. It is also packed with fatty acids helping repair the skin barrier and anti-inflammatories to calm irritated skin. To learn more about the benefits of moringa oil, go to

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