Tuesday, April 2, 2019

These Driving Tips Could Save Your Life

Kristen Cooper
Motlow Buzz Contributing Writer

      Do you ever worry about being involved in a collision? There are endless challenges for those driving on the open road. Wrecks, weather and wildlife all affect traffic tremendously and can cause major havoc if thrown out of normal cadence. That is why it is incredibly important to be the best driver—and passenger—you can be.

Attention is Key:

     I have been an active driver for almost four years. Thankfully I’ve never been involved in a collision. I’ve always been more than careful and attentive while behind the wheel. My car and life are precious, so I act accordingly! Here in the United States, we are provided with the resources to develop and practice our driving skills in schools, so there is no excuse for such recklessness or ignorance. First and foremost, to drive is to have privilege. This privilege can risk not only your well-being but your peers’ well-being as well.

      Yearly, motor vehicle accidents take the lives of countless loved ones all over the United States. In an article titled “Avoiding Fender Benders Driving Expertly: Top 5 Defensive Driving Tips for New Drivers by Beginners Drivers Guide” it is blatantly stated that the number one “...cause of death for young people between the ages 15 and 20 is motor vehicle crashes.” This is baffling to me because it is avoidable. To see the entire article, visit https://kasroyal.com/avoiding-fender-benders-expertly-top-5-defensive-driving-tips/

Sobriety is Important:

     The first step to an efficient and safe trip is to confirm that the vehicles operator is completely sober. It is more than imperative to be completely aware. While intoxicated one’s senses are impaired greatly, and fuzzy focus can allow much room for error and in turn will cause turmoil quickly.

      At the young age of 15, most individuals are taken to their local DMV, tested and given their learners permit. A learner’s permit allows those in possession to drive accompanied with a licensed driver. It is important to use each ample opportunity to practice the ways and rules of the road. We learn best while we’re young, and there is no time like the present! Seize every opportunity to practice! To learn about impaired driving statistics, visit https://www.bactrack.com/blogs/expert-center/35040645-dui-statistics

Keep it Legal:

     The second step to becoming an acceptable driver is attaining your driver’s license! This assures by your state’s requirements that you are capable of commuting while others are as well. To explore driver’s license qualifications visit the following website: https://www.tn.gov/safety/driverservices/online.html

Don’t Lose Your Focus:

     Keep your attention on the road! This is where it belongs! If your center tends to drift to different objects and other people on the road, you should work hard on keeping your eyes on what is in front of you as well as your immediate surroundings. The best way to stay focused is to minimize as many distractions as possible.

     One way that most prefer to do this is by playing their favorite CD’s or playlists as they cruise. Since the listener is more than likely pleased with the music, he or she will devote most attention to it. This promotes focus and motivation. Adjusting the volume on your various electronic devices to silent is always a good idea. No one can deny our undying addictions and dedication to our hand-held distractions! For some additional tips on focusing, visit https://www.inc.com/lolly-daskal/10-smart-tips-to-prevent-distractions-and-sharpen-your-focus.html

Get Comfortable:

     Another great way to guarantee secure passage is to make yourself as comfortable driving as you safely and legally can. If an adjustment to reach the pedals is necessary, be sure to make it. Grab a seat cushion from your local Walmart or Auto Zone if the one in your driver’s seat is worn out! Find an appropriate length from the steering wheel. You are less likely to grow agitated driving while your body is relaxed. For more ways to relax while driving, visit https://www.wikihow.com/Relax-when-Driving

Watch Others:

     There are going to be many other cars sharing the marked pavement with you! Traffic is always an absolute nightmare, but it is inevitable. Though you will know your street signs, they may not. While you remember to use your signals and precaution, they may not. Though you practiced with your parents, they may not have shared the same circumstances! Therefore, you must watch your mirrors and surroundings constantly, intently and defensively. Act quickly and proactively. You must learn how other drivers regularly react to the vehicles around them.

      If you are capable, predict potential wrecks inwardly and take every measure possible to avoid them. Always have your hands at the ready position to make any short-notice/commanding adjustments to the wheel. For direction on how to pay more attention visit https://www.wikihow.com/Pay-Maximum-Attention-While-Driving

Be Accustomed with Your Car:

      Know your car’s size better than the back of your hand. Most fender benders and minor wrecks are all attributed to misjudged spacing. Find your mirrors and use them as often as you need them. 
Safe Travels:

      Random and uncontrollable occurrences happen daily. Though destiny is out of our hands, we should do what we can to prevent disaster. Keep in mind it is your responsibility to defend your life and the lives of others around you. Be considerate and smart, and remain attentive always. Each of these tips can and will improve your driving. Follow them and keep commuting with ease! To see Nashville Police driving tips, visit the following website: https://www.nashville.gov/Police-Department/Support-Services/Special-Operations/Traffic-Operations/Traffic-Safety.aspx

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