Friday, April 5, 2019

Students and Faculty 'Dance Across The Decades' at Motlow Smyrna

     SMYRNA -- The lobby of the MaryLou Apple Building became a dance floor on March 22 for the first annual "Dance Across The Decades" event. 

      A guest DJ (Professor Robert Davenport) presented recordings from the 1920s till today with attendees dancing everything from the Charleston to the Twist (and a few creative moves of their own). The event was sponsored by the Smyrna Entertainment, Arts and Media Club, with support from the SGA. 

      Following are some photos from the event taken by Motlow Buzz Editor-in-Chief Charles Whiting.

Rachel Towle and Benji Barnard (top row), Emma Sagor (lower left), Jejuan Henderson (middle), Christian Young (lower right), and Jasper Emerton (bottom)

Christian Young takes over the dance floor.

Danielle McInturff (left) and Megan Williams dance the night away.

Jasper Emerton (left) and Christian Young show their dance moves.

Alara Bishop (left), Megan Williams (center), and William Levi Sellers take a break between dance numbers

Jasper Emerton and Rachel Towle swing during the Charleston
The event's DJ, Professor Robert Davenport handles the grooves and giveways.

A group of students dances.

One of the many prize winners.
Professor Debbie Stockdale (right) enjoys pizza and salad with her husband.

SEAM Club President Alara Bishop prepares tickets for prize drawings.

SEAM Club Vice-President Rachel Towle celebrates after the event.

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