Monday, November 16, 2015

Books to Movies

By: Ashley Smith

            Everyone has had that feeling of excitement when they get word of their favorite book coming out as a movie. With that being said, everyone has also had that disappointing feeling when the movie of their favorite book doesn’t depict the book in the way they think it should. I know I have had that feeling more than once.

            I was always told that if a book turns into a movie and you want to eventually see the movie, read the book first to avoid confusion because movie producers are known to leave out minor, and sometimes even major, aspects of books when they are made into movies. My mom has always been a firm believer that books spark something inside of a person that a movie never could because books make you think and imagine so you get to build the scenery in your head rather than watching it right in front of you. I have also come to believe that books hold a certain magic that movies can’t live up to.

I have always done what I was told to do and read books before I went to see the movie. With this being said, I want to share a few examples as to where I have been disappointed of the way a movie was not help to the greatness of the books’ standards. The first two books that come to my mind when I think about the book to movie concept are Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Fifty Shades of Grey. I’m choosing these two as my examples because these books are the books that I feel like I invested myself most in. I purchased and read each book from each series in less than a week’s time.

The first and second books of the Percy Jackson series were both made into movies, but I have only seen the first movie, and this is because I was disappointed in the differences of the first movies and book. Even though I wouldn’t say there were any major differences, I found myself to be very focused on the minor differences considering I would wait and anticipate something that happened in the book that never came in the movie. One thing that really stuck out to me was the color of Annabeth’s hair. The book constantly stressed the fact that Annabeth has beautiful blonde hair and in the book, but her hair was the farthest thing from blonde. The fact of how Percy Jackson’s identity was revealed in the book and in the movie differed greatly. In the book, no one knew exactly who he was until the triton of Poseidon appeared over his head. In the move, however, everyone at camp half-blood already knew whose son Percy was.

I read the Fifty Shades of Grey series late last year and the first movie just came out at the beginning of this year. Fifty Shades become a very controversial series, but after I read the first book, I was hooked and continued to read the rest of the series. I was extremely excited when I heard that they were coming out with a movie to go along with the first book. I went into the movie with my mind set expecting the movie to differ from the book simply because of the story line, so when I did notice a few of the differences, I wasn’t as disappointed as I was after watching Percy Jackson. There was a small number of differences in this book and movie. One of the things I really noticed was that Ana’s character was a lot more awkward in the movie than I had pictured she was while I was reading the book. Another difference was that Christian and Ana’s characters didn’t “click” as well in the movie as they did in the book. Even though you depict how you want to think of the characters while you are reading a book, I feel like the producers could have found a way to show a stronger connection in the movie.

            When you allow yourself to become so invested in a book, it is very disappointing when the movie doesn’t portray exactly what you think it should. My opinion on books turned into movies could definitely differ greatly from other peoples’ opinions. My opinion is what it is because of the way I was raised. I am thankful that I was raised to believe that books come first.
            For more information on both of the books, you can visit or


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