Monday, November 30, 2015

Creative Arts and Graphic Design Through the Centuries

                                                                               By Robert Ellis

Art has been around for millions of years. People use art for different things. Some use it as a way to express themselves; others use it to tell a story.

Art was popular with the Greeks and Romans around c. 700 BC-476 A.D. Rome has one of the most popular art creations in the world. Next up around the 14th Century came the Renaissance art.  Some of the great artists around this time period were Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Paolo Veronese to name a few. One of Leonardo’s most famous pieces of artwork was the Mona Lisa, Michelangelo’s was David and Veronese the wedding at Cana.

                In the mid to late 1800’s, photography and photocopying became famous and art took on a new face. Now let’s fast forward to the 20th Century, Art has evolved in many ways. The one that captures my attention is Graphic Art.

                I learned at an early age that art could be used as a form of expression. Art has been a passion of mind since I was in the 5th grade. Some of the things that I used to like to draw were power rangers, landscapes, buildings, and theme parks. My sophomore year of high school is when I became interested in Graphic Design.
When I went to the Art Institute website, I looked up graphic design and I read this paragraph. I thought about that whoever wrote this paragraph has made a good point. ‘’ The video game is regularly evolving with new technologies and concepts, creating a need for professionals armed with the latest knowledge and skills. Whenever you’re passionate about game design, 3D modeling or character animation are programs in the area of game and programing can prepare you to peruse a career in this fast paced industry.’’ (The Art Institute of Pittsburgh). Reading this gave me new inspiration.            

                My dad started teaching me how to use graphic software on the computer. Some of the software we use was Adobe Photoshop, Autodesk Sketch Book Pro, Maya Autodesk, and Adobe Illustrator.

                This is when I knew I wanted to pursue a career in Graphic Design. I'm looking forward to starting my own business one day. I feel like God has put a desire in my heart to become a creative designer.

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