Monday, November 23, 2015

It Works Supports Your Healthy Lifestyle Needs

By: MJ White

            It Works is an independent business that is distributed through a huge company that is now run out of Florida. It Works started in 1995 with Mark and Cindy Pentecost. They were struggling living from paycheck to paycheck when Mark started a home-based business opportunity in the telecommunications industry. Mark and Cindy had no idea the seed had been planted for It Works! Global.
            Mark Pentecost knew that he had something special to share with the world when he found the Ultimate Body Applicator. To this day in 2015, the Ultimate Body Applicator Wrap is still It Works Global’s highest selling product. Pam Sowder, ( It Works! Chief Networking Officer), contacted Mark about the product, and he brought more home to his wife. His wife loved the product so much she told everyone she knew about it, from family to friends to anyone who would listen. She knew that they had an amazing product on her hands, and she felt that everyone should try it.
             In 2001, Mark and Luis Mijares, a friend and business partner, launched their new products. Luis Mijares is the formulator behind the It Works! body contouring and skin care products. Luis was the CEO for a top pharmaceutical company, and he had a passion for researching skin care, nutritional, natural remedies, and fun for biotechnology industries began when he was a child. It started with his grandmother from Mexico. Due to his personal interest and his natural solutions, he became an ideal candidate for the It Works! Product Development Specialist.
In 2005, the It Works Supplement Line came out. Its Vital, Fat Fighter, Greens, and plenty of more natural vitamins that reduce stress levels, help you lose weight, get better nutrition, regulate your digestive system, etc. In 2009, It Works became debt free, and sales began to reach record breaking heights. In 2010, they began to reach out internationally with businesses in Australia and even parts of Europe. In 2011, the It Works family moved from Grand Rapids, MI to their new found home in Bradenton, FL. If you’re interested in learning more about our global history visit

I chose to sell It Works and become my own boss because I’m ready to be a part of something big. I am tired of struggling and living paycheck to pay check. I mean, sometimes there is no paycheck to live towards. I enjoy the people that I meet while being a part of the It Works family. The new clients and also the ambassadors give us so much support, and I love seeing the small twinkle in one’s eyes after they realize you really do care about them and their health. Although I’m not making much right now, I’m not giving up because my team and my clients depend on it. Think about it. Everyone needs a little push now a days, and I’m here to give it.

To learn more about It Works Global visit or any distributer page

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