Monday, November 16, 2015

My Workout Routine

By: Brendan Woods
            There are several different ways to work your body to gain or tone your muscles. There are trainers out there that will tell you if you are not using their routine, that you are doing it wrong. That concept is totally wrong. There are wrong ways to work out your body, but that does not mean that there is only one workout routine that works. I am not a trainer by any means. That does not mean that my routine is wrong.

            When I started going to the gym, I had no idea what to do or how to do it. All I knew was what I wanted my body to look like. So, I did what anybody in the world would do. I Googled workout routines. I came up with a giant search list for me to choose from. I saw a link that showed what the main character, Stephen Amell, from the television series “Arrow” did to keep him in shape. I have his body type and build, so I knew that was the routine I wanted to do. The more I went to the gym and the more weight I lost, I started exploring different machines and exercises. When I found one that I was interested in, I googled it once again, so I knew what muscles I would be working and how many sets and reps to do for the best results.

             My workout routine now is the same one I have been using for over a year. The only difference is, until this last June, I was trying to gain muscle. This means that I was doing high weights and low reps.  This is the best way to see results for muscle gain. When June hit, it was my one-year anniversary from starting the gym. I figured that a year of gaining muscle was enough, and it was time to tone all that muscle up. To tone up you can do the exact same routine that you were doing to gain muscle. The only thing that you need to change is, instead of high weights / low reps, you swap it to low weights / high reps. This means whatever you were lifting, half it and double the reps you were doing when using high weights.

            Here is my routine that I want to share with you. I work out five days a week. I go to the gym Monday through Friday, but you can do it any day, and you do not have to go all five days. I would say at least go four days a week.

Days 1, 3, 5 chest / arms (muscle gain): 
·         Flies: 4 sets, 8 reps.
·         Semi-vertical dumbbell: press 4 sets, 8 reps.
·         Flat bench dumbbell: press 4 sets, 10 reps.
·         Overhead Triceps Extension: 4 sets, 8 reps.
·         Iso-lateral press:  4 sets, 8 reps.
Days 2 and 4 shoulder / back (muscle gain): 
·         Low back rows: 4 sets, 10 reps.
·         Straight vertical dumbbell press: 4 sets, 8 reps.
·         Bent over one arm dumbbell rows: 4 set, 10 reps (each arm).
·         Standing barbell curl: 3 sets, 10 reps.

This is my five-day workout routine. When trying to gain muscle, get your weights as heavy as you can get while still being able to complete the routine. When it starts to feel too easy, increase the weight by 5 pounds. Just as a reminder, if you are wanting to tone up, just cut the weight you are using in half and follow the routine, but double the reps listed above. I will post a leg day routine later. I normally do not do leg day because my legs have always been in shape. But I know some people are not that lucky. So, keep posted for the leg day routine. If you live near Murfreesboro, Tenn. I recommend getting a gym membership at the MTSU Rec Center. That is where I go, and they have an excellent facility. For more information about the workout routine I started with and the gym I use, go check out Stephen Amell’s work out on and the MTSU’s rec at

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