Tuesday, April 11, 2017

New England Patriots: America's Team to Hate

By Justin Razor
Motlow Buzz Reporter

        The New England Patriots have completely dominated the NFL for the last decade and then some. Always being in the conversation to win it all, always being in the playoffs, always finishing with a very solid winning record, always performing with excellence, that’s the Patriots. Those same Patriots have won two of the last three Super Bowls, and it seems like they’re loading up to make it three of four. The Patriots are considered by almost everyone to be the best NFL dynasty there ever was.

           To see one expert’s opinion, and to get great insight into this thought, read this article: http://www.foxsports.com/nfl/story/new-england-patriots-super-bowl-li-tombrady-james-white-colin-cowherd-dynasty-020617.

            I have been a Patriots fan ever since I was able to actually recognize and cheer for a team. I would always play with my next-door neighbor who was a Patriots fan, and we would watch games together every time we could. I just so happen to be a lucky Patriots fan, alive during the era we are experiencing. Some fans could go their whole lives without their team winning a single Super Bowl. Patriots fans have had the absolute pleasure of watching them win five. Football has been a huge part of my life, and it has helped me become who I am today, and make the friends I have today.

        Former Patriots’ players tend to strike it rich when they leave the team, and that is the case for Logan Ryan, a cornerback formerly of the New England Patriots, who signed a three year, $30 million deal with the Tennessee Titans. Ryan has been a huge contributor on that stingy Patriots’ defense, covering the shifty slot receivers. The Titans saw their chance to make a move for a guy that would help them, and they got him. Titans fans are going love what he brings to the team. So while some Titans fans may hate the Patriots, now you have the enemy working for you.  

             The Patriots have played the Titans seven times (As the Titans, not the Oilers) and are 6-1 against them. It’s understandable if Titans fans aren’t fond of the Patriots, as the highest scoring victory in Patriots history came against them. The Patriots absolutely destroyed the Titans 59-0 on Oct. 10, 2009. It’s been a dominant hold on the Titans by the Patriots, but the Titans are on the rise while Tom Brady (Star Patriots Quarterback) won’t be able to play forever.

           It is no question that the Patriots are one of, if not the most, hated team in all of sports. They win and win and win, while other teams struggle to break even at 8-8. Whereas the Patriots finish mostly 12-4 every single season without breaking a sweat it seems. They have the cheating scandals, but then just keep winning more and more Super Bowls with everyone but their fans rooting against them. Polls were taken to prove that most fans did not want the Patriots to win the most recent Super Bowl. Check out this link to learn more: http://boston.cbslocal.com/2017/01/30/patriots-poll-super-bowl-liatlanta-falcons/.
            As for the Patriots loading up to win the next Super Bowl too, they’ve been going crazy this offseason. Most notably, they traded for Brandin Cooks, a star wide receiver from the New Orleans Saints. Cooks is blazing fast and adds an extra dimension to the dynamic passing attack the Patriots possess. The move made experts like Stephen A. Smith say, “I think what this tells me is that the New England Patriots are going back to the Super Bowl… it’s just that simple to me.”

           They have also added former Bills cornerback Stephon Gilmore, Panthers defensive lineman Kony Ealy, Colts tight end Dwayne Allen, and Ravens defensive lineman Lawrence Guy. They also retained one of their key guys in Dont’a Hightower, the nucleus of their entire defense. So they have been very busy this offseason. No one really knows if it will pay off, but the odds are definitely swaying in their favor of winning the Super Bowl. 

        Speaking of winning Super Bowls, the Patriots have won their last two in very dramatic fashions. Super Bowl 49 was won with a game-sealing interception by Patriots cornerback Malcolm Butler. Super Bowl 51, the most recent, was a roller coaster. The Patriots were down 28-3 in the third quarter, only to make a historic comeback to tie the game up 28-28 to go into overtime. The Patriots then proceeded to march down the field and score the game-winning touchdown to seal it. 

        The way they keep winning and the fact that they do so, makes fans hate the team so much. Whether it be from envy or just pure spite, people just generally do not like the Patriots. It’s going to stay that way until the Patriots start losing, or another team takes their place atop the throne. 

        To learn even more about the Patriots, visit www.patriots.com. You will find tons of articles, videos, and podcasts about the team all in that one spot.                                              

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