Thursday, April 6, 2017

What is the Meaning of Photography?

By SkyQuajus Turner
Motlow Buzz Reporter
            What is Photography? Photography is a way to show creativity in many ways. Some photographers use photography to express emotion or sometimes to just allow people to see something other than just an image. Photography is known as a free will experience, taking pictures of almost anything that catches your eye.

            Ernst Haas was a photographer during the early ‘20s who used photography as a medium for expression and creativity. He allowed an individual to see something more than just a picture, allowing one to look at an image and see emotional and physical pain, happiness, etc.

            Reggie Baker, a retired local photographer, tells us how the art of photography changed his way of thinking, as well as his way of seeing something more than just a picture. Baker started as a well-known photographer in Flint, Michigan, shooting for hospitals, football players, movies, etc. He tells us that there were brutal things being seen while taking photos in the hospital, which changed his thought on life. Baker also says photography was a great way to escape his real-life situation.

Being a local photographer like me out of Smyrna, Tennessee, your mind is opened up to creative aspects. Growing up, I always saw things in a meaningful way with the idea of drawing artwork to show some form of creativity. As years went by, I was able to own my first camera, an old polaroid made back in the ‘70s handed down to me from my great-grandmother. I eventually upgraded to a Canon DSLR T3i camera. I was allowed to go deeper as an artist, showing expression and allowing others to see that I had true talent for the art of photography.

At the begging of last year, I took some photos for two young brothers with different skin colors (one light and one dark). As I shot the image, I realized that no matter what color your skin is or what you look like, family is family. I called the image “I am my BROTHERS keeper”. Pictures like these express show emotion, shows feeling, and convey meaning.
When doing photography, you have to have an eye for the art. You have to be able to know the difference between emotional and non-emotional images, being able to draw an individuals attention.
            “Photography for me is not looking, it’s feeling. If you can’t feel what you’re looking at, then you’re never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures,” says Don McCullin.
            “The camera is an excuse to be someplace you otherwise don’t belong. It gives me both a point of connection and a point of separation,” says Susan Meiselas.
            “Photography for me is not looking, it’s feeling. If you can’t feel what you’re looking at, then you’re never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures,” says McCullin.

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