Thursday, November 9, 2017

Eating Fruits and Vegetables Can Change Your Life

By Xavier Collins
Motlow Buzz Contributing Writer
            Want to know why it’s so important to eat fruits and vegetables? There are many ways to go about it.
For me, personally, I love eating fruits and vegetables because it keeps my body refreshed. I can tell the difference between eating junk foods and eating fruits or vegetables. I can tell how unhealthy foods are very filling and fattening compared to fruits. You don’t feel that way when you are eating fruits and vegetables. They contain less ingredients than junk foods.
            It’s important to eat fruits and vegetables because they provide health benefits and prevent people from getting diseases and illnesses. Eating them each day can reduce the risk of chronic diseases. They contain a variety of nutrients including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Vitamins and minerals help you feel healthy and energized.
            Vegetables are well provided with vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, fiber and potassium. Vitamin A-rich foods such as carrots and squash help keep your skin glowing and healthy. Vitamin A also helps protect you from getting infections.
 The U.S. Department of Agriculture suggests that people should eat 2 ½ cups of vegetables per day. It may not have to be that exact amount for some people to start with, but if they are eating vegetables every day, that’s great. Learn more at

            Nutrients in fruits are important as well because they are naturally low in fat, sodium and calories, and rich in potassium, fiber, vitamin C and folate. Fiber in fruits helps to prevent you from getting heart disease and low cholesterol. A good example for vitamin C is strawberries, which help heal wounds and keep teeth healthy. Fruits like oranges and bananas are also good because they are high in potassium. Apples are one of my favorite fruits to eat daily. It’s like a side snack to eat to keep me away from unhealthy snacks like potato chips. Learn more about this at
            Eating fruits and vegetables also helps prevent diseases like stroke and type 2 diabetes. The U.S. Department of Agriculture states that fruits and vegetables high in fiber can decrease one’s chances of having coronary disease. Foods like bananas and potatoes can help bring down blood pressure.
Another important benefit for eating fruits and vegetables is weight management. You need to be careful how many calories you eat per day because it can harm you if you’re not aware. The more calories you eat, the more weight you will gain. Learn more about this at
            People should always watch what they are eating every day. They could easily eat unhealthy foods three times a day without noticing the amount of junk they put in their body. My doctor, Wanda Cade, suggests that people should be catered more fruits and vegetables at places that are filled with more high calorie, unhealthy foods. With that being said, places like hospitals, students in college, and employees at jobs need to be provided with more fruits and vegetables.
If you’re someone who doesn’t account for what you eat, then you should get some help and develop a weekly food plan. I think a lot of people face this problem nowadays. They don’t keep up with what they are throwing into their bodies. Fruits and vegetables should be the cornerstone of everybody’s healthy diet.

            About the writer: My name is Xavier Collins. I am currently a sophomore at Motlow State Community College. I am a Tennessee Promise student and plan to transfer to the University of Tennessee after my two years at Motlow. I am a server at Koji Express located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. I enjoy watching sports, playing basketball, and spending time with friends during my free time.

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