Sunday, November 19, 2017

Have a Cell Phone Plan? Read This!

By Mary Kate Brown
Motlow Buzz Contributing Writer

Imagine with me, it is the end of the month. You receive a mysterious text message. Something about data percentages and charges accrued. Who has time to worry about that gibberish? Not you! So, you delete the text and pocket your phone.

Moments later, you receive another text. This one is less mysterious. It is your dad and he is upset. Something about data percentages and money not growing on trees.

If this sounds familiar, you are not alone. We live on our phones. We eat data plans for breakfast! Still, there are bills to pay and parents to appease, so here are some tips and tricks to help you stay current on events and help your dad to get back to focusing on your class performance. Hey, I can’t fix everything!

TURN OFF YOUR CELLULAR DATA when you are in a WIFI area! This is easy, and it cuts off usage of your cellular data without changing the way the phone operates.

DOWNLOAD instead of streaming videos, music and podcasts. If you subscribe to Netflix, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Prime and other services, you can download movies, music and podcasts to your device. You must be in a WIFI area to download, so this requires a bit of forward thinking. Still, this eliminates the need for WIFI and cellular data entirely.

WHERE’S THE FREE WIFI? The answer is, everywhere! Down the street from our campus, on Sam Ridley Parkway, there are multiple opportunities for FREE WIFI. Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, Five Guys, Wendy’s, Chili’s, Arby’s and any local library all have FREE WIFI. The hidden gem is Target Superstore. They have FREE WIFI all over their store. So, you can grab a latte and a seat and get some serious Snapchatting in all while picking up snacks, shoes and storage for your apartment. It is a win any way you look at it.

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