Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Life-Changing Steps for a Fitbit User

By Lindsey Lance
Motlow Buzz Contributing Writer

Have you or someone you know ever wanted a fun way to get healthy? A Fitbit tracker could be the answer to create new healthy habits.

A Fitbit tracker is a small device that you wear around your wrist like a watch or a bracelet. This tracker allows you to know your heart rate, steps taken, and how many flights of stairs you have climbed up and down during that day. Fitbit also has a app where you can track how many ounces of water you have consumed, how many calories you have eaten compared to your steps taken, and how long you have been active without stopping.
There are many ways that Fitbit allows you to have fun while using their product. By covering long distances, and conquering large step goals, you are able to earn badges and trophies. Earning step goals over time begins to motivate you to achieve greater and greater distances. Your Fitbit can also learn your name and provide you with encouraging messages throughout the day.

Another quality Fitbit has is the ability to tell you how close you are to your step goal. Fitbit allows you to compete against friends to see who can get the most steps in one 24-hour period, and to see who can reach their goal the fastest. This allows you to have some healthy competition with your friends, without realizing that you are actually getting healthier at the same time.
Here are many things that Fitbit allows you to do that other trackers can not do: http://www.mtv.com/news/2367706/things-you-can-do-with-a-fitbit/.
As a Motlow State Community College student, Fitbit has been inspiring to me. I used to think that the time I spent walking from class to class was time that I wasted. Since having a Fitbit, I have seen that the time I spend walking to class puts me closer to my step goal.
Other college students that I am friends with use Fitbit trackers as well. Some college classes such as aerobic walking allow you to use your step tracker to complete assignments, and track your progress over the duration of the course.
Here is a website that can help you understand how you can still be healthy as a busy college student: https://www.buzzfeed.com/carolinekee/lift-those-textbooks?utm_term=.dqoewYwV80#.tgXbp2pr48 .
Mikayla Carroll, one of my friends who uses a Fitbit tracker, provided her view of step trackers. I asked her why she thinks using a step counter makes exercise more fun.
"Step trackers challenge you to stay motivated, and they celebrate your successes when you reach your goal" she said. "Step trackers also tell you what you are doing well on, and show you ways you can improve your workouts."
I also asked if she believes  knowing how many steps she's taken makes her more motivated to get healthy.
"Yes, because if you are able to see how far you have come, it will make you want to push yourself to do more" she said.
If you or someone you know are interested in buying a Fitbit tracker, you can look at all the different styles and purchase one at https://www.fitbit.com/home.
(Lindsey Lance is a student at Motlow State Community College in Smyrna, Tenn.)

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