Sunday, November 5, 2017

In The Motlow Spotlight - Emma Sagor, Harvest Queen

By Ramona Shelton
Motlow Buzz Managing Editor

      You probably have heard her name, seen her picture, or even got some of the popcorn she gave out in her campaign for this year’s Harvest Queen, but now here’s our chance to learn more about Emma Sagor!

Question: Tell us something interesting about you.

Answer: "I lived in Maryland for 16 years of my life before moving here. It was not only a new environment in changing states, but I only had a year to get adjusted before going into college.

I write songs. I am a part of a youth band.

I want to follow all my dreams. There is no such thing as “I can’t do something.” I have lots of interests, and I will work hard to accomplish things, even if I don’t get them completely done.

I want people who come into the Writing Center or students in general to understand that I am approachable. I want to help people. It is the best feeling when you get to help someone out of their dark or stressed out space. You give them a peaceful moment so they know that things are going to calm down." 

Question: Why did you choose Motlow? What is your major/what do you want to be when you grow up?

Answer: "Originally I was from Maryland, but I moved here in my senior year of high school. Since there is the Tennessee Promise, I knew I wanted to go a community college. I was homeschooled, so the fact that this was a small campus made it a great fit. It was definitely much less of a culture shock that going someplace bigger or harder to get to for classes.

I am majoring in General Studies and have found my interest in English this year thanks to the fact that I work in the Writing Center. I would have majored in English, but by the time I decided to go that path, it was too late to graduate with honors, so the General Studies route was the best option.

I really enjoy photography and also giving people advice, so I have thought about majoring in Photography and minoring in Psychology so I can help people but also have the chance to see the world and take pictures everywhere I go."

Question: What is your favorite thing about Motlow Smyrna?

Answer: "I really found my favorite thing this semester in how nice the professors are. This is a great working environment with how much the professors care about you. You never get the feeling that you are just a student; it feels like a little Motlow family here.  For instance, Professor Bush learned about my interest in singing and songwriting, so he has encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone and participate in open mike nights."

Question: Are you involved in any clubs or organizations here at Motlow Smyrna?

Answer: "I am a member of Phi Theta Kappa and the Honors Program. I also work in the Writing Center where I tutor students and encourage them to embrace writing styles and learn new things. My favorite part is seeing the student’s light bulb go off when they understand something."

Question: What made you decide to run for Harvest Queen this year?

Answer: "Honestly, I don’t normally like putting myself out there because I’m the sort of person who would rather help others than put the spotlight on me. But being homeschooled, I never had the opportunity to do this kind of thing before. So I did it for the fun aspect of it, to have the chance to connect with other students."

Question: What piece of advice would you give to a first-time incoming freshman (i.e.- what do you wish you had known on your first day here?)

Answer: "You don’t have to know everything on day one. High school makes it seem like you need to know everything before you get to college. But this is a learning process. If you mess up, it isn’t a failure. It’s a learning process. Don’t get discouraged if you were a straight-A student in high school but get a B on your first paper. This work is different, and it is definitely a process." 

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